With the new recommendations out that healthy people age 2-60 refrain from getting the flu shot because of the small supply available, is it selfish to get the flu shot as a healthy adult?
Could you elaborate on that?On a side note, some research about the flu vaccine might make you want to re-think it anyway.
To counter with my own amateur knowledge: I think that the shot stimulates the body’s defenses and causes it to produce antibodies. Whether repeated shots improve the body’s responsiveness I am not sure, but see no reason to believe that it harms its responsiveness.… Moreover, each time you get a flu shot you degrade your own immunity and become increasingly dependent of the shot. This is amateur knowledge, would be happy to be corrected or clarified.
Chris C.
The authors describe six ways of avoiding the flu:Here is an article on avoiding the flu without the flu shot, and the author touches on the issue of the flu shot at the end of the article.
Yea, safe the supply for the ones that are in the “high risk” category.With the new recommendations out that healthy people age 2-60 refrain from getting the flu shot because of the small supply available, is it selfish to get the flu shot as a healthy adult?
The authors describe six ways of avoiding the flu:
*]Avoid sugar
*]Get enough rest
*]Eat garlic
*]Don’t let stress become overwhelming
*]Wash your hands
I would be interested in seeing evidence for #1 and #3. Obviously too much sugar is a bad thing (lots of Calories, rots your teeth, etc.). I happen to like garlic, but I am a bit skeptical about some of the claims. There was a time when people were promoting garlic to lower cholesterol, but those claims have largely been de-bunked.
They also make some dubious claims about the harmfulness of anti-bacterial soap.