Is it selfish to get a flu shot if you're not high risk?

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The controversy stems from the fact that the antibacterial agents in the soap can not kill every pathological organism. For example, yeasts and other fungi. Also, as happens with other antibacterial agents, the bacteria begin to become resistant.
Studies have shown that soap, just soap, eliminates up to 90% of the organisms on the skin anyway. The way it works is by virtue of the surfactants in soap. They cause the bacteria to be unable to remain fixed to the skin, causing them to release their hold and the water rinses them away. So, a good, thorough washing and rinsing of the hands will remove most of the organisms without any antibacterial agents.
I’m in a quandry here. I’m healthy TODAY but am 58 and have had pneumonia 3 times over my life time. So am I “high risk” or not? :confused:

It became a moot point today after Mass anyway when the flu shots that were to be administered to anyone who wanted them were announced after Mass as now being only for those with medicare B.
Sorry you all didn’t care for the article I linked to 😉 . I wish I had the time to find you some better links on this, I did all of my research last year on the flu shot.

Still, IMO, avoiding the flu with simple practices like handwashing, eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep, etc., is best for otherwise healthy people of all ages. I do not believe that the benefits of the shot outweigh the risks for healthy people. My almost 9 month old, IMO, is better off without the shot, as he is a super healthy, breastfed boy----he can make it through the flu, he’s a strong one. If he were formula fed, prone to sicknesses, etc- I might get him the shot, it’s a balancing act. I just can’t see purposefully injecting mercury into my baby to protect from the flu, but then again, I didn’t get him the Hep B vaccine, and won’t be getting him the MMR or chicken pox etc. I have studied each disease and each vaccines components to analyze the risk myself.

A couple things about last year. Last year I was expecting a baby in January, so- it was suggested that my whole family get the flu shot, now- at the same time I was told to avoid all fish with mercury for the safety of the babe in utero, but, they thought they’d just inject some right straight into me :confused: . My OB, as a healthcare worker, should’ve been getting it too- I asked her if she was (while she was telling me to) and she admitted she wasn’t getting it. My kid’s pediatrician has 2 kids the age of my older 2 (pre-school age) and she was also expecting around the same time as me, I asked if her family had gotten it yet (while she was telling me we should get it) and she too, admitted they weren’t getting it 😦 . I told her to call me when her family was getting the shot, she never called 😉 . Then, there is my mom, who has been an RN for 38 years, and she’s a pretty big believer in vaccines (at least those not made from aborted fetuses)- she has never gotten the flu shot and has no intention of doing so either.

One last note, last year’s vaccine was so bad that while 17% of people who didn’t get the shot got the flu, 15% who did get the shot got the flu :hmmm: (don’t have a link handy on that, but that is what my memory serves from the CDC report after flu season ended).

I still think the OP definitely shouldn’t get it. 👍
I am not a high risk person, but I work in a high risk environment and it is recommended to us that we receive the flu vaccine (along with hepatitis and frequent TB screens). If offered, and it should be in two weeks, I will take it. These decisions are made by the head of the County Health Deptartment and I respect his opinion.
Ill HAPPILY make that self denial and give up my share. 😃 Seriously, I have never to my knowledge had a bonafide diagnosed case of the flu. Im afraid if I get one now at 40, it will make me succeptible to the virus. I have worked in health care and in an ER at that, I have never contracted the Flu. So I feel it would be selfish of me not to give it up to one who might need it more.
it’s interesting that many of you haven’t gotten the flu…

i’ve had it the last four years, in a row. i got flu shots two out of those four years.

i’m hoping this year is better!

i’m 24 and very healthy, but i have weak lungs. no, i’ve never EVER smoked, but i had pneumonia a few times as a child.

Jess (Patty)–

how do you go about refusing to give your child a vaccine? is that…illegal…for school entrance, even into college? i had to give my university my vaccination records from way back when!

having worked in special ed for a few years and understanding the link between vaccinations and autism (though very disputed) i’ve been wary about giving any of my future children such crazy levels of whatever is actually in those vaccines…

i’ve heard of mothers spacing out their vaccinations for their children.

i would love to hear more thoughts about this from you!

With the new recommendations out that healthy people age 2-60 refrain from getting the flu shot because of the small supply available, is it selfish to get the flu shot as a healthy adult?
Yes, I think it is. If they run out there will be someone out there who really needed it but didn’t get it because their dose went to a healthy person.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂

Ah- good question. I will no doubt have trouble b/c I have decided to use some vax and not others :rolleyes: , it is easier if you forego all of them, or just go with it and get them all. I cannot in good conscience get my children injected with vaccines made from aborted fetal tissue, so I will be forgoing certain vaccines no matter what. I will even have trouble with the Catholic schools over this. Most states have exemption forms of one kind or another, it is just a pain figuring out exactly how you can file for the exemptions. Or- you could lie- which I would not do.

As far as my thoughts on vaccines, here are 2 good books to read on the subject, since assuredly everything you will get from the pediatrician will be insanely pro- all vaccines:
The Vaccine Guide: Making An Informed Choice $18.95
(North Atlantic Books) by Randall Neustaedter, OMD
Vaccinations: AThoughtful Parent’s Guide $16.95
(Healing Arts Press, 2002) by Aviva Jill Romm, CPM

And here’s a website to check out:

No doubt folks will say this is all propaganda, but- rest assured- so is all the pro-vax stuff 😉 . You just have to wade through it all and make careful considerations for your family.

I have chosen selective vaccines and I space them out. Anyone who doesn’t question the current US vax schedule, is not putting much thought into it- do all 2 month olds really need a Hep B vaccine? Do any kids need to be injected with something made form aborted fetal cells- my answer is no.

But- apologies to the OP for going WAY off topic, I will take any further questions by PM, and stop taking over this thread with my anti-vax propaganda 😃 .
Thanks Patty!

I will find those books and I may PM you at a later time if I have questions…

Yes, it is selfish.

I have a 17 year old severely asthmatic son who needs the shot. I’ve spent most of today chasing around town trying to find vaccine for him. Our doctor’s office is out. Everyone else I have called is refusing him because he is not their patient.

I’m sure there are many other scared and desperate moms just like me. Remember us if you are still thinking about taking that shot for yourself. 😦
My children who all suffer from asthma and myself will get the shot this year. I also have asthma, but more importantly I work as a minister of care in the local hospital. My wife who is healthy will not.

As for garlic, it is a natrual blood thinner and is apparently good for strengthening the immune system. As for anti-bacterial soap, it doesn’t do a thing for you unless you are willing to scrub for at least 10-15 minutes. Might as well save a few bucks and buy the cheap stuff.
to jess7396, are you sure the flu shot isn’t made on aborted babies the website you listed said it was. at any rate i’d be interested to hear how many people say i got the shot . i still got the flu but thank God it wasn’t as bad as it would have been (read the same comment for whatever vaccine you are talking about) in other words the vaccine did not prevent, some of us would even say it gave you, the flu. on top of that hopw many old people have died soon after the vaccine from seemingly other reasons. again some of us would say it was a factor in thieir often sudden death or at least period of ill-health.
at any rate there are no graces in using aborted babies for vaccinations.and those receiving these vaccinations while often not knowing it are making a market for more abortion because new babies(fetus age)have to be killed to develop more vaccines and to continue the old ones. be very careful before you vaccinate . definitely go to the children of God website that jess has recommended above and spred the word

I don’t think that women have abortions so that they can make more vaccines. I have never heard of that happening. More vaccines will not cause more abortions. And as I understand it aborted tissue is not used to continue old vaccines only to develop new ones.

What is the difference between this and using someones organs who was murdered? Just because someone is murdered does not make it immoral to donate their organs. Someone who accepts an organ of a murdered person does not participate in or even condone the murder.

The flu shot used in the US is made from chicken eggs, not aborted babies, but there is a flu vaccine that has been made from aborted fetuses somewhere (hence it’s listing on cogforlife), but- the one we use here is not, as a matter of fact, they should ask if you are allergic to eggs before they give you the flu shot. Hope that clears that up 👍 .

timbo 1980- you can read on the Children of God for life website about the ethical concerns with the vaccines, the Church at this point has no official stance against the use of vaccines made from aborted fetuses, in other words, a Catholic needs to use their own well-formed conscience to make the decision. One concern is that when the current strains “run out” they will have to make new vaccines from somewhere and if we don’t stand up and DEMAND that they use some other way to make them, they will end up using another aborted fetus at some point.

Here is a link to an interesting read on the subject:

and one more for good measure:

these links of course in addition to the one I gave earlier:

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