Is it sinful to receive "free" money when a job is available?

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Or it could lead to a fantastic economic boom for decades. Study what happened after the great depression.

The people that lived during that time are referred to as the greatest generation after all.
A closer analogy would be to go to the food bank line to get food when you have plenty in your cupboard. It isnt breaking any rule. Not certain if the Church says this is wrong or not but it certainly is.
Right, and typically, it’s understood that the food bank only expects those who have difficultly securing food on their own to frequent their establishment. But now adjust the analogy to where you have a food bank that not only supplies your basic food needs, but treats every comer to a five-star all-expenses paid dining experience at an expensive establishment. This is something that the typical working person can’t afford regularly, and way over and above solving the situation of food insecurity. Then they say they only expect you to take advantage of it if you can’t eat on your own… However, the food bank is obviously not directing its resources simply to address hunger any more. The incentives are messed up, but that reflects more on the food banks management, than on those that go there.

That’s more analogous to the CARES act, which for some pays much more than they could earn by working. What’s the moral way of handling the situation, if you are in that boat? I think it’s debatable.
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I didn’t say the folks in Washington who dreamed up this fiasco were thinking when they did it.

Remember it is an election year. Budget be darned, there is money for everyone.

When or KC council cooks and feeds at the homeless shelter, even though I helped raise the money to purchase the food, helped cook the meal, and serve the meal, I will not eat the food. That is one meal taken away from someone who actually needs it. Just a matter of principle for me.
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When or KC council cooks and feeds at the homeless shelter, even though I helped raise the money to purchase the food, helped cook the meal, and serve the meal, I will not eat the food. That is one meal taken away from someone who actually needs it. Just a matter of principle for me.
Same here, but our gov’t apparently doesn’t operate with limited resources… therefore I don’t know what I would do if I had to decide whether to take the CARES subsidy or a pay cut to work.
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Not necessarily. When given a little bit of free money, a person can still aspire for more.
I didn’t mean a little bit of money. I meant when you give someone a normal pay check’s worth on a normal basis.
Not necessarily. When given a little bit of free money, a person can still aspire for more.
I didn’t mean a little bit of money. I meant when you give someone a normal pay check’s worth on a normal basis.
That is still a “little bit” compared to what that person could make with an MBA or a professional degree. One can always want more. That is why the claim that if you give someone money (even equivalent to a normal low-wage regular paycheck) it is not true that they will just sit back and do nothing to better themselves.
It all depends on the individual. Some people are content with doing just enough or having just enough to get by. While others who have or make more than they will ever need sometimes want more.

I would venture to say that most of the serious white collar financial crimes are committed by folks with better than average means.

Bernie Madoff is just one example.
That is still a “little bit” compared to what that person could make with an MBA or a professional degree. One can always want more. That is why the claim that if you give someone money (even equivalent to a normal low-wage regular paycheck) it is not true that they will just sit back and do nothing to better themselves.
I never said that everyone will sit back and do nothing. But enough will to cause damage to the economic health over time.

The problem with socialism is that it makes people selfish. Not every single person, but it does make many people selfish.

So how do you explain. The robber barons during the industrial revolution. Were they selfish?

Were workers taken advantage of in the desire to maximize profit and wealth.

Unfortunately money at any place on the spectrum can make some people selfish. I think there is some reference to this in the Bible.
The robber barons during the industrial revolution. Were they selfish?

Were workers taken advantage of in the desire to maximize profit and wealth.
Yes and yes. Look at the enclosure movement.
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I never said that everyone will sit back and do nothing. But enough will to cause damage to the economic health over time.
Not necessarily. There are examples of people given a UBI who went on to further their education and become much more productive than they would have been without that help.
The problem with socialism is that it makes people selfish.
I’m not talking about socialism. Also, PragerU!!! But mostly, I’m not talking about socialism.
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So how do you explain. The robber barons during the industrial revolution. Were they selfish?

Were workers taken advantage of in the desire to maximize profit and wealth.

Unfortunately money at any place on the spectrum can make some people selfish. I think there is some reference to this in the Bible.
robber barons were surely selfish.

Capitalism doesn’t make sinners into saints. You still have very sinful people.

But socialism makes good people selfish.
Not necessarily. There are examples of people given a UBI who went on to further their education and become much more productive than they would have been without that help.
I know. That’s why I said “I never said that everyone will sit back and do nothing.”

I never even said that most will sit back and do nothing.

I said “enough will to cause damage to the economic health over time.”
I’m not talking about socialism.
And I was talking about socialism. I was not talking about welfare programs, which I support.
Also, PragerU!!!
You know who turned me onto PragerU? Patrick Madrid. He is always saying good things about them, so I started listening to their 5 minute videos. Lots of good info there. I dare anyone to listen to them with an open mind. If they don’t change your mind, you will at least have a better idea re where conservatives are coming from.

God Bless
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If the government made a stupid law (that in and of itself is not immoral, just not prudent), you don’t sin by following that law in my opinion, provided you are not lying or committing fraud. In a similar way, I have no problems with people reducing their tax liability by using “loopholes” that we hear about in the tax law. They are just using existing law to their advantage.

Is it sinful for me to keep the 1200 they sent me even though my salary was not affected by the lockdown? It’s free money that was sent as a result of (another) imprudent law. Nonetheless it’s not sinful to keep it.
I don’t hope to accomplish anything, other than understanding why some feel that it is acceptable to receive payment from the gov. when for no other reason they could be earning their own way.
But it appears that you don’t really want to understand. If you did, then you would have paid attention to the many posts outlining the various scenarios where your apparent assumptions of laziness and/or greed simply are not accurate or even slightly justified. There is no one size fits all answer to any of this.
Some are assuming I feel they are lazy. You will not find a post where I said that.

Some are assuming that I am not taking into consideration some personal factors. They must have missed my second post regarding the lady who was working for me.

Some are assuming people wont take advantage of the current system. I gave first hand accounts of it happening.

I am beginning to understand the true nature of some americans. This is becoming more and more apparent as this crisis continues and the next round of free money starts to be doled out.

The fact that some feel as long as one isnt lying, the Church doesnt specifically address this single issue, and are technically following the law there is nothing immoral or sinful is what is most astonishing.
You will not find a post where I said that.
Inference based on tone. Hence the use of “apparent”.
Some are assuming people wont take advantage of the current system.
I don’t remember seeing anyone saying or implying that. Nor do I see anyone saying or implying that it is not possible for anyone to be gaming the system for greed, just that taking the benefit even if there is a job available (and without anyone else knowing if that job is suitable for the person’s circumstances) is not automatically sinful. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially since I cannot know their particular circumstances.

I have nothing further to say on this subject.
Would you think the same thing if someone would face a 200% tax rate by doing so? That’s a pretty steep price to pay for the privilege of working. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

I wonder if there is a strong argument to be made for simply working under the table at this point, as the government has lost all credibility in maintaining right order in the economy. You’d still be working, just not officially recognized as so doing. You could even just work on a purely volunteer basis, and continue to collect CARES, if you’re worried about the moral aspect of tax evasion.
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Sorry but taking a cut in pay is in now way a 200% tax rate. It would be in most circumstance reduce ones tax rate.

The chart you reference show some people making 200% more than they were previously.
Ok. Now link that back to the current discussion. You’re arguing that it’s immoral to turn down official employment to qualify?
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