Is it sinful to vote Democrat?

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Support for abortion on demand is the big tent issue which holds them together. Labor unions, public service workers, feninists etc all have their agendas but they more of less all agree on the “pro choice” agenda. Given this is it sinful to vote for a political organisation which uses its power to push abortion within the U.S. and worldwide through its attempts to use UNESCO and the WHO to further the abortion agenda in the third world?
new man:
Given this is it sinful to vote for a political organisation which uses its power to push abortion within the U.S. and worldwide through its attempts to use UNESCO and the WHO to further the abortion agenda in the third world?
Church teaching focuses on the candidates themselves. The Church does not endorse entire political parties, as you would seem to have them do with regard to the Republican party.

It is not sinful to vote for a pro-life candidate regardless of party affiliation. It is sinful to vote for a pro-choice candidate when there is a viable pro-life alternative candidate. It is not sinful to vote for a pro-choice candidate when all of the viable candidates are pro-choice.
seems reasonable. I am not in fact pushing a Reepublican agenda ven though clearly they are in the main closer to the truth on abortion.
Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics


This voter’s guide helps you cast your vote in an informed manner consistent with Catholic moral teaching. It helps you avoid choosing candidates who endorse policies that cannot be reconciled with moral norms that used to be held by all Christians.

On most issues that come before voters or legislators, the task is selecting the most effective strategy among several morally good options. A Catholic can take one side or the other and not act contrary to the faith. Most matters do not have a “Catholic position.”

But some issues concern “non-negotiable” moral principles that do not admit of exception or compromise. One’s position either accords with those principles or does not. No one endorsing the wrong side of these issues can be said to act in accord with the Church’s moral norms.

This voter’s guide identifies five issues involving “non-negotiable” moral values in current politics, and helps you narrow down the list of acceptable candidates, whether they are running for national, state, or local offices.

You should avoid to the greatest extent possible voting for candidates who endorse or promote intrinsically evil policies. As far as possible, you should vote for those who promote policies in line with the moral law.

In many elections there are situations where all of the available candidates take morally unacceptable positions on one or more of the ‘non-negotiable’ issues.

In such situations, a citizen will be called upon to make tough choices. In those cases, citizens must vote in the way that will most limit the harm that would be done by the available candidates.

In this guide we will look first at the principles that should be applied in clear-cut races, where there is an unambiguously good moral choice. These same principles help lay the groundwork for what to do in situations that are more difficult.

Knowing the principles that are applied in ideal situations is useful when facing problematic ones, so as you review the principles you should keep in mind that they often must be applied in situations where the choice is more difficult. At the end of the guide we will offer practical advice about how to decide to cast your vote in those cases.

I tend to vote Republican. However I do not think it is a sin to vote for a Democrat, provided one’s motives are pure and one has really looked at the issues. I think the Dems support of Abortion on demand is problematic, but it you are voting for them, and abortion is not the reason you are voting for them, I suppose in certain circumstances you could. What those circumstances are, that’s between the voter and God, I won’t jump into that one.

I probably won’t be voting for President in '08 since it looks like the Republicans will nominate a pro-choicer, cannot vote for that.
provided one’s motives are pure and one has really looked at the issues. I
If you know what they stand for (pro-death) how can your motives still be pure?
Church teaching focuses on the candidates themselves. The Church does not endorse entire political parties, as you would seem to have them do with regard to the Republican party.

It is not sinful to vote for a pro-life candidate regardless of party affiliation. It is sinful to vote for a pro-choice candidate when there is a viable pro-life alternative candidate. It is not sinful to vote for a pro-choice candidate when all of the viable candidates are pro-choice.
In that last case, I hope I would be informed about the candidates before voting so I could vote for Mickey Mouse or some such fictitious character…
I think that the question has to be about the particular candidate, as others have said.
I would like to point out that there are others on the tickets than just the 2 big parties, though. If neither one has a person you can vote for with clean hands, I would suggest voting for a “3rd party” candidate. I know that many people feel that this “wastes a vote”. I have come to realize that if all of us who are opposed to the culture of death changed our votes to the National Prolife candidate, that we would turn it into a major, not minor party. (That is why I have finally switched to the NPP myself…)
God bless.
Where the next Bob Casey (Dem. PA Govenor, deceased)? Oh, maybe his son, but he’s running against Santorum and I don’t know if like father, like son, yet.
I tend to vote Republican. However I do not think it is a sin to vote for a Democrat, provided one’s motives are pure and one has really looked at the issues. I think the Dems support of Abortion on demand is problematic, but it you are voting for them, and abortion is not the reason you are voting for them, I suppose in certain circumstances you could. What those circumstances are, that’s between the voter and God, I won’t jump into that one.

I probably won’t be voting for President in '08 since it looks like the Republicans will nominate a pro-choicer, cannot vote for that.
Army ROTC:

There are a couple of DEMOCRATS who are PRO-LIFE. Right now, any DEMOCRATIC SENATOR who votes to break this UNGODLY FILIBUSTER of PRO-LIFE Judicial Nominees must be considered at least open to the position, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR PREVIOUS PUBLIC STATEMENTS. My reasoning is quite simple - It will be a vote for someone the PRO-ABORTION Groups have stated would vote to overturn ROE V. WADE if given the opotunity (a Seat on the Supreme Court and a “Mature” or “Ready” Case that was “On Point”).

By the same token, ANY REPUBLICAN who votes to sustain this UNCONSCIONABLE & UNCONSTITUTIONAL FILIBUSTER of PRO-LIFE Judicial Nominees must be considered as PRO-DEATH, NO MATTER what their previuos statements on the Issue (that includes John McCain). Because that REPUBLICAN will be voting AGAINST people PRO-ABORTION GROUPS have stated would vote to overturn ROVE V. WADE.

Regarding 2008, let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Our Lord said that, “Today had problems quite enough of its own.” and, Remember, most women who think they want Abortions want them like animals caught in traps want to chew their legs off! IOW, they don’t really want them…So lets’ work on ROE V. WADE, and on finding a way to get the “legs out of the traps”.


Good Bless those who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
Liberalism is a sin, and a mental disorder.

So vote carefully.

Look at politics, not party.
I probably won’t be voting for President in '08 since it looks like the Republicans will nominate a pro-choicer, cannot vote for that.
If you find that you can no longer trust the Republicans with moral issues, The Constitution Party might be a good alternative for you. They’ve got a pretty sound platform and appear on the ballot of all fifty states.
Is our dear sweet katherine back?
yes, but a little wet. I was picketing the president today at the National “Catholic” Prayer Breakfast.
Liberalism is a sin, and a mental disorder.
This is idiocy – and not just random idiocy, it’s also bigoted and mean-spirited.

Might as well be blunt.

As somebody noted above, you don’t vote for a party – you vote for individuals, and there are morally sound individuals in both parties, as well as folks in both parties who are morally bankrupt…and everything in between.

As for which party, in general, toes a more moral line, that’s tough. The Republicans talk a much better position on abortion (although not necessarily on euthanasia, and certainly not on state-sanctioned killing). But it’s far from clear that most of them actually care about abortion, notwithstanding the talk. Abortiion certainly never seems to be a priority once we elect these folks.

The Democrats? They officially hold positions that many would argue are more “moral” on a range of social justice issues than do the Republicans – but again, it’s far from clear that most of them are really committed to these things, or that their “solutions” make sense.

What is clear is that, organizationally, both parties are more interested in winning elections than they are in governing responsibly.

Given all of this, I would suggest that you pretty much forget about which party a candidate is from – make the effort to understand what the candidate is about. Choose the one with the combination of positions, character, and judgement that will best represent you.

Basically, you have to dig for the details – silly platitudes about one party or the other, or nasty labels attached to one or the other, don’t tell you anything real. Those things make it easy to make a “choice” – but these are uninformed choices, which are routinely manipulated and sought by the most venal political hacks from both parties. Don’t fall victim to them.
This is idiocy – and not just random idiocy, it’s also bigoted and mean-spirited.

Might as well be blunt.

As somebody noted above, you don’t vote for a party – you vote for individuals, and there are morally sound individuals in both parties, as well as folks in both parties who are morally bankrupt…and everything in between.

As for which party, in general, toes a more moral line, that’s tough. The Republicans talk a much better position on abortion (although not necessarily on euthanasia, and certainly not on state-sanctioned killing). But it’s far from clear that most of them actually care about abortion, notwithstanding the talk. Abortiion certainly never seems to be a priority once we elect these folks.

The Democrats? They officially hold positions that many would argue are more “moral” on a range of social justice issues than do the Republicans – but again, it’s far from clear that most of them are really committed to these things, or that their “solutions” make sense.

What is clear is that, organizationally, both parties are more interested in winning elections than they are in governing responsibly.

Given all of this, I would suggest that you pretty much forget about which party a candidate is from – make the effort to understand what the candidate is about. Choose the one with the combination of positions, character, and judgement that will best represent you.

Basically, you have to dig for the details – silly platitudes about one party or the other, or nasty labels attached to one or the other, don’t tell you anything real. Those things make it easy to make a “choice” – but these are uninformed choices, which are routinely manipulated and sought by the most venal political hacks from both parties. Don’t fall victim to them.
Aww c’mon. Do I have to do this again? Liberalism is a Sin

Read the whole book and then we can discuss it. Point out what you disagree with.

From the book:

Liberalism is the root of heresy, the tree of evil in whose branches all the harpies of infidelity find ample shelter; it is today the evil of all evils. (Ch. 4). “The theater, literature, public and private morals are all saturated with obscenity and impurity. The result is inevitable; a corrupt generation necessarily begets a revolutionary generation. Liberalism is the program of naturalism. Free-thought begets free morals, or immorality. Restraint is thrown off and a free rein given to the passions. Whoever thinks what he pleases will do what he pleases. Liberalism in the intellectual order is license in the moral order. Disorder in the intellect begets disorder in the heart, and vice-versa. Thus does Liberalism propagate immorality, and immorality Liberalism.” (Ch. 26).

Liberalism “is, therefore, the radical and universal denial of all divine truth and Christian dogma, the primal type of all heresy, and the supreme rebellion against the authority of God and His Church. As with Lucifer, its maxim is, ‘I will not serve.’” (Ch. 3).

“Liberalism, whether in the doctrinal or practical order, is a sin. In the doctrinal order, it is heresy, and consequently a mortal sin against faith. In the practical order, it is a sin against the commandments of God and of the Church, for it virtually transgresses all commandments. To be more precise: in the doctrinal order, Liberalism strikes at the very foundations of faith; it is heresy radical and universal, because within it are comprehended all heresies. In the practical order it is a radical and universal infraction of the divine law, since it sanctions and authorizes all infractions of that law.” (Ch. 3).

…well, in the vain of trying to remain christian and chairtable… NO:cool:
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