Is it sinful to watch this kind of TV?

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Is it sinful for Christians to watch shows like Desperate Housewives or NYPD Blue? You know, shows that are more sexually explicit, violent, and use more curse words than most.

I don’t know about this NYPD Blue thing, but DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES is one of the most funny, brilliant shows on TV at the moment!

And, if you ever listen to Mary-Alice’s narration, it’s packed full of morals!

Is it sinful for Christians to watch shows like Desperate Housewives or NYPD Blue? You know, shows that are more sexually explicit, violent, and use more curse words than most.

Yup. It sure is. Such shows may be “brilliant” and “funny” but they serve to corrupt us in various ways. Anyone who sincerely wishes to live as a Christian would throw their TV out. TV is an addiction and a distraction. It takes our minds away from what we really ought to be thinking about. Its main purpose is to waste our time and make us stupid. And it does a very good job of this. Look around. Look at how unreal people have become. How sloppy. How dumb. How uncaring. How immoral. What do you think taught them this? What gave them their role models? What but TV?
We were created to live reality, not watch morally corrupted fantasy. Entertainment time is precious and is to be guarded - what goes in the head makes a big diffeence. Finding humor in shows that mock stay at home wives/moms and the husbands that are married to them is not healthy. Further, in most of these shows, visual and/or verbal pornography is an entertainment throw-in and not something we should be exposing ourselves to.
We were created to live reality, not watch morally corrupted fantasy. Entertainment time is precious and is to be guarded - what goes in the head makes a big diffeence.
I don’t think it is objectively sinful to watch any TV show, unless it’s a porno. But, for most people certain TV shows are an occasion of sin and yes, it would be sinful to watch it knowing it could lead you to sin.
Yup. It sure is. Such shows may be “brilliant” and “funny” but they serve to corrupt us in various ways. Anyone who sincerely wishes to live as a Christian would throw their TV out. TV is an addiction and a distraction. It takes our minds away from what we really ought to be thinking about. Its main purpose is to waste our time and make us stupid. And it does a very good job of this. Look around. Look at how unreal people have become. How sloppy. How dumb. How uncaring. How immoral. What do you think taught them this? What gave them their role models? What but TV?
Romano, Thank God you responded! I was hopinh someone would feel this way! I COMPLETELY agree with you. I’m a little discouraged by the poll results so far . . . the majority says “no.” Guess it’s proof of how much the world has crept into the Church. Ah, American Catholics . . .
Yup. It sure is. Such shows may be “brilliant” and “funny” but they serve to corrupt us in various ways. Anyone who sincerely wishes to live as a Christian would throw their TV out. TV is an addiction and a distraction. It takes our minds away from what we really ought to be thinking about. Its main purpose is to waste our time and make us stupid. And it does a very good job of this. Look around. Look at how unreal people have become. How sloppy. How dumb. How uncaring. How immoral. What do you think taught them this? What gave them their role models? What but TV?
Thank God for Catholics like you! I was hoping someone would respond like this. It seems that most modern-day Catholics (or any other Christian for that matter) have bought into the world big time. They see no problem with trash tv. It’s very disturbing. Just look at the poll results so far . . . the majority says “no.” This wordliness can’t just be pinned to Catholics either. I remember last year (at college) the local student Baptist group invited everyone to watch the “Friends” series finale! :eek: Talk about a trash show with disgusting morals!

Anyway, praise God that you can still see the Truth. Keep up the good work, Romano!
We were created to live reality, not watch morally corrupted fantasy. Entertainment time is precious and is to be guarded - what goes in the head makes a big diffeence. Finding humor in shows that mock stay at home wives/moms and the husbands that are married to them is not healthy. Further, in most of these shows, visual and/or verbal pornography is an entertainment throw-in and not something we should be exposing ourselves to.
I say, yes, definately. Familiar with Mother Angelica? Her order is the one with the EWTN bit. In a book (Answers, not promises), she mentions seeing “Gone With The Wind.” You must remember Rhett’s parting words to Scarlet. “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Well, she says her mother got upset about it, and she didn’t see why. Well, look at what’s out there now. Some of the “PG” stuff is almost porno.

Take Charlie’s Angels. It had some nudity in it. And a implied affair. Well, sort of. More like a one night stand. And there are others. It started out with one word, and has gone downhill from there. :crying:
Is it sinful for Christians to watch shows like Desperate Housewives or NYPD Blue? You know, shows that are more sexually explicit, violent, and use more curse words than most.

I avoid Jerry Springer because, assuming these people’s stories are true, ridiculing others’ problems is pretty low.
One thing that REALLY annoys me is when Little children watch T’V and starts imitiating what they see.

Gosh some things can be rude as well!

Another thing that annoys me is when they copy what they hear!
My little cousin constantly says “Ohh Ahh I lost my bra, I think I left it in my boyfriends car!” She constantly says that! I’m Like ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG STOP IT PLEASE!!! :crying:

then I get it stuck in my head! :banghead:

And when the “Not happy Jan!” add on t.v came out, bacicly EVERY kid in the primary school yard was saying it constantly!

Thats just me I get quite irritated when it comes to stuff like that!

Sure kids imitate things and repeat things

But I remember saying stuff as a kid that I had no idea what it meant or I took it in a way very different than how an adult would…it’s kinda funny looking back on it now.

That is truly good TV when there are multiple levels to it so both the adults and kids can get something out of it

Look at old Shirley Temple movies form when she was 4-5; they are loaded with double and even triple entendres. “they” would never let stuff like that on the air now.

And NO it’s not sinful
It’s TV for Goodness sake
It’s a tool like anything else…it’s what you do with it that is important
Steve Andersen:
And NO it’s not sinful
It’s TV for Goodness sake
It’s a tool like anything else…it’s what you do with it that is important
Before giving theological advice, do some research. Saying that nothing can be sinful simply by watching it on TV is far too simplified and simply incorrect.
Yeah, it is probably sinful. It is lazy also. We should not spend hour upon hour loafing in front of questionable programming. Have you ever felt good about yourself upon watching a reality program? There are always worthwhile activities to be doing that will improve your life or the lives of others. Christians should be living a very different life than the mainstream person. If you accept Christ’s mission seriously then you would alter your behavior.

Will you go to hell for watching? Probably not. Will it help you get to heaven? Definitely not.
We were created to live reality, not watch morally corrupted fantasy. Entertainment time is precious and is to be guarded - what goes in the head makes a big diffeence. Finding humor in shows that mock stay at home wives/moms and the husbands that are married to them is not healthy. Further, in most of these shows, visual and/or verbal pornography is an entertainment throw-in and not something we should be exposing ourselves to.

BRAVO!! As my Spanish grandmother would say (God rest her soul)… in regards to these amoral TV shows…PURO BASURA!! That means PURE TRASH.

Garbage in…garbage out…life is worth LIVING not for passively watching foolish people doing foolish things. God knows I have enough work to do on myself without focusing my free time on that frivolity!:nope:
Steve Andersen:
And NO it’s not sinful
It’s TV for Goodness sake
It’s a tool like anything else…it’s what you do with it that is important
That’s really the point, isn’t it? The tool is being used wrongly. By participating in this wrong use of an otherwise benign tool, are we sinning?

I say yes.
Hmmm. I have very mixed feelings in this regard. I understand what everyone is saying but, at the same time, I was a huge fan of NYPD Blue almost from day 1 (I only missed one or two seasons through all the years it was on). Yes, they often had some very questionable moments and things I would rather have not seen but I trust myself to make good judgements in regard to my own life and don’t see myself immitating the characters’ bad behaviors anytime soon. Also, in the case of Blue, one of the main characters, Andy Sipowitz, was a fantastic example of overcoming extreme trials in one’s life as well as alcoholism. There were also examples of bad/immoral behavior back-firing on various characters.

I haven’t seen Desperate Housewives but heard that, despite the bad rap it got, it really strives to show that immoral behavior comes with a very high price.

One show that really bugs me is Everyone Loves Raymond because of the way Ray is always made to look like the stereotypical idiot man who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. They are also supposed to be Catholic but, the few times it’s ever mentioned it’s generally not in a very good light (although the episode where the wife’s sister comes for a visit and surprises everyone with her announcement that she has become a nun was half way decent). Others that have bothered me are the obvious – Friends, Seinfield, etc. that constantly portray bed-hopping and other ridiculously immoral/childish behavior. It also really bugs me that I have to be vigilant over the tv when our kids want to watch sports with my husband. I have to stand there with the remote ready to hit the mute button every few minutes because of the viagra and cialis commercials. Now there are even condom commercials to contend with. Ick!!!

I think, as with anything, you have to be careful what you expose yourself to and even more careful about what your children are exposed to. As to whether it’s a sin, I’m not so sure. If one were to act on what they see, that action would be a sin, but I’m not sure about just watching for the sake of entertainment. There are obviously a lot of very off-color and unnecessary things out there which we should avoid supporting (boycotting/sending letters to the sponsors of these types of programs is a good option) and, of course, one always has the option of turning it off.

God bless, Jen
I am confused. Are some people saying that all tv is bad or just certain shows? If all tv is bad what about the internet? Many of the same statements could apply. How far do we go. Do we boycott channels that may have problematic programming only or should we boycott channels that may have ok programs but the parent company supports negative causes. I think this is interesting because I have never thought of all tv as bad. I try to avoid most channels so I watch things like nature shows, investigative reports and CSPAN. What if those companies support abortion causes etc, should I stop watching. I am not being argumentative I really want to know?
I am no expert on moral theology, but i will add my weight to this discussion…

I would suggest that if the inherent theme behind the tv show is sinful, then yes it is a sin to watch it. Saying that however, there are plenty of shows that will contain sinful elements, but having an underlying decent theme, in this case I would say to turn your eyes off the tv momentarily and try to avoid these parts. I am sure most catholics would like these scenes removed.

TV has it’s place amongst all modern appliances. As an object it is neither evil or good, but can certainly be a tool used for both.
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