I tend to agree with church_child that all Catholic young men and boys should be encouraged to consider the priesthood as their career. Personally, I have mentioned it in passing when my boys start talking about “when I grow up.” But they both have already expressed strong desires to grow up and be Daddies. (They have a really good one, so I understand it!

) I just want them to know that it would be an option we would support. Some families are very negative about their children entering religious life.
Anything beyond friendly discussion and support of an expressed desire, I think is over the line. The priesthood is a radical lifestyle in today’s world. Trying to force someone into it, or pressuring them, is wrong. And I agree that the psychological process at most seminaries would weed them out anyway. And where would that leave the young man? Feeling like a failure in the only place he thought his parents would approve of him? Not good…
**As for the decline in men entering seminary…I think some of the problem may be with some of the seminaries. The master level theologian who comes to teach classes at our parish named one seminary where he went to study (can’t remember the name now) where anyone who actually believed in and followed Church teaching was ridiculed and not welcome. It was full of openly practicing gay men who were intent on radically changing the Catholic Church to fit their agenda. I have heard many times of the “gay mafia” that rules some seminaries. ** (That is the term that was used…I did not make it up.) There is one seminary that our bishop will no longer allow candidates from our diocese to go to, because of that very problem. It may be the same one our theologian went to, in fact I think he was the one that told us this. I think it’s absolutely scandalous that the Church, all the way up to the Vatican, has known of this problem in some American seminaries for many years, and is only recently (the last couple years) starting to address it and try to clean it up.
One priest at our parish is trying to get the numbers up in a creative way. When he got finished baptizing my younger son, he put his hands on either side of his head, and said, “And may you become a nice, holy priest!”