Is Joe Biden pro-life or pro-choice?

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same-sex marriage
the whole LGBT special rights agenda
Separating SSM and transgenderism from LGBT rights isn’t correct.
contraception forced on religious groups (little sisters of the poor)
mandated contraception coverage in your insurance
These two are almost the same thing.
abortion pill available over the counter at the college
forcing Catholic hospitals to perform abortions
These also fall under the same umbrella.
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There’s virtually no evidence that sex-selective abortion even exists in the US.
Would you see it as a problem if it did and was common. If so why?
If it was common then it would require address. Things that are statistical fringes require the fringes of your thoughts.

something that may have a few hundred or a few thousand instances in 64 million events just doesn’t warrant much of my attention.
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I made another thread for the abortion debate so this one isn’t derailed.
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As in the US, “why” for direct abortions is confidential, we have no way to know. I would guess this does happen at times.
I looked at your list… and I don’t care that they favor any of those things. And you don’t know what “Joe” will do. It’s can’t be worst than trump.
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I looked at your list… and I don’t care that they favor any of those things. And you don’t know what “Joe” will do. It’s can’t be worst that trump.
you don’t care that democratic policies are anti-religious? what good is an earthly policy if it condemns a person’s soul?

putting up with trump for 4 more or the devil for eternity.

seems an obvious choice for me.
Oh and BTW-
I favor breaking the seal of confession when it has to do with child molestation and pedophilia.

I favor denying adoption services to Catholic Charities who discriminate

I want the abortion pill available over the counter to women who need it.

I have no problem with gay marriage

LGBT folks don’t have a special rights agenda any more than Catholics do

Transgenderism is real.

Criminal catch and release - I live in SoCal- what is the problem?

What private services are you talking about? Massage?

Is someone forcing Little sisters of the poor to use birth control?

Vasectomys are covered by insurance… Why not contraception? And I don’t mean the Rhythm method - that’s free.

There are more important things going on in the world right now than listing “things” that don’t align with the catholic faith. Like I said earlier, I had no intention of voting for Biden but since he is going to be the nominee, he will get my vote. trump must go. I don’t care that he is pro-choice. I am as well.

To debate this further, let’s start a new thread.
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Stop. Women who live in poor neighborhoods need PP the most! They don’t have the luxury / ability to go to a family doctor “schedule a d&c”.
Full stop on the black baby stats!! White women in the 'burbs obtain legal abortions at the same rate at black and latino women. They just call them some different.
Blacks are 13% of population yet 46% of abortions

More black babies aborted than born in NYC

I think black genocide is a little more important than “beating Trump”
I always thought joe Biden was one of those politicians claiming to be personally pro life but “can’t enforce their views” as a politician. There are many of those. I think Nancy Pelosi is another.
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I always thought joe Biden was one of those politicians claiming to be personally pro life but “can’t enforce their views” as a politician. There are many of those. I think Nancy Pelosi is another.
sure they can, they can change the laws
they are forcing the views of PPH by creating greater access to abortion so what is the difference?
what does he really value is the question.
Did Mr. Biden tell you this in person?
Being personally pro-life is practically code for pro-choice since they allow others to choose to have abortions. Personally pro-life is also pretty meaningless simply because the scope of its influence is limited to one person.
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