Is Labor before Love/Charity?

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Is labor greater than love? The basis of this question is that faith without labor is dead, but that charity is measured in money and comes after labor-unless one is the issuer. Also, that without a life one cannot be loved on this earth and that not laboring is sin (sloth). Much in the same way that one must be pro-life in order to consider pro-choice in that they would have had to been born. So is labor first before love?
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There are disabled people that collect a check because they are disabled. While some may sit home all day and it seems they are not laboring, I don’t believe that is a sin. If a friend asks me for a ride because his car is broken down or even if they need toilet paper I’ve got their backs. They labor more than me and I just do what I can to be a good friend and citizen to everyone that is close to me. So no, I don’t think you can judge a persons sinfulness entirely on their means of labor production on the work force. Too many special cases.

That to me is like saying people with mental illness shouldn’t have the luxury of having a doctor because the Bible says doctors are for the sick not the healthy. I don’t think it’s a sin for a person with mental illness to have a doctor that takes away from the amount of doctors available for the sick.

God doesn’t to me work always in those kinds of absolutes.
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No. 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3, 13:

[1] If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. [2] And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [3] And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing…

[13] And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.
Is labor greater than love? The basis of this question is that faith without labor is dead, but that charity is measured in money and comes after labor-unless one is the issuer. Also, that without a life one cannot be loved on this earth and that not laboring is sin (sloth). Much in the same way that one must be pro-life in order to consider pro-choice in that they would have had to been born. So is labor first before love?
Love that does not produce actions is a vain one, but actions should also proceed from charity. I guess it would be that love is greater, but in order to be a real love there should be some actions if it is possible.
Is labor greater than love? The basis of this question is that faith without labor is dead, but that charity is measured in money and comes after labor-unless one is the issuer.
You’re looking at it backwards. Charity is first. Faith without Charity is dead. Labor all day long, do it without Charity & it amounts to nothing.

Whatever you believe, believe with love. Whatever you do, do with love. Love first, in everything.
Why does James say faith without works is dead then? So we presume God=love therefore first, but why are we measuring or saying charity is monetary if one cannot love god and money eg it is after the fact?
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