Meaning has to do with feeling and not thought. Everything is meaningless when it is judged by thoughts.Is life a meaningful concept if Metaphysical Naturalism is true?
Meaning has to do with feeling and not thought. Everything is meaningless when it is judged by thoughts.Is life a meaningful concept if Metaphysical Naturalism is true?
It depends on what you mean by meaning!Meaning has to do with feeling and not thought. Everything is meaningless when it is judged by thoughts.
thefreedictionary.com/meanings**1. **the sense or significance of a word, sentence, symbol, etc; import; semantic or lexical content
**2. **the purpose underlying or intended by speech, action, etc
**3. **the inner, symbolic, or true interpretation, value, or message: the meaning of a dream.
**4. **valid content; efficacy: a law with little or no meaning.
**5. ** (Philosophy) philosophy **a. **the sense of an expression; its connotation
**b. **the reference of an expression; its denotation. In recent philosophical writings meaning can be used in both the above senses.
Quite a refreshing view.Gratitude to whom?
I am very appreciative of my mind, my embodiedness, my aliveness. Aliveness is its own reward. To my mind, any “meaning” would be a priori beside the point.
Now, **if **Life Everlasting were somehow out there to be found, it would behoove us to discover its rules ie, “meaning”. But if it is not to be had, then biological human life remains it’s own reward, no meaning required.
Non of them.
I am in agreement.Gratitude to whom?
I am very appreciative of my mind, my embodiedness, my aliveness. Aliveness is its own reward. To my mind, any “meaning” would be a priori beside the point.
Now, **if **Life Everlasting were somehow out there to be found, it would behoove us to discover its rules ie, “meaning”. But if it is not to be had, then biological human life remains it’s own reward, no meaning required.
To appreciate something that has no objective purpose, moral value, or meaning, you have to do irrational things like create a false sense of value, meaning, and a purpose.I am in agreement.
False sense of value, meaning and purpose?To appreciate something that has no objective purpose, moral value, or meaning, you have to do irrational things like create a false sense of value, meaning, and a purpose.
humans do irrational things. It’s in our nature (materialistically I believe). So, in that sense it is rational, because we are acting on our nature.To appreciate something that has no objective purpose, moral value, or meaning, you have to do irrational things like create a false sense of value, meaning, and a purpose.
Behavior is either rational or not. If behavior contradicts the truth, then your behavior is irrational.humans do irrational things. It’s in our nature (materialistically I believe). So, in that sense it is rational, because we are acting on our nature.
Behavior is either rational or not. If behavior contradicts the truth, then your behavior is irrational.
I mostly agree with this. It’s good to be rational enough to understand when to be rational, and when to let it ride…and trust instinct etc.The human soma is a rational mind piggybacked onto a large-headed animal.
We should always strive to be rational-minded, but bearing in mind that our animal bodies can often be wiser than our minds.