How would you mathematically describe God?
THANK YOU!!! I wonder why this obvious truth is so hard to miss to be honest. Free will is the opposite of anything Math or any Laws of Logic can describe. And God is Absolute freedom.You cannot mathematically describe any entity who has free will.
Personally, I think that STT is absolutely correct. Mathematics can’t be created. Because creation implies a conscious, coherent creator. And a conscious, coherent creator must be describable mathematically.
Consciousness requires coherence, and coherence requires order, and order is a property of mathematics.
Therefore mathematics must be a pre-existing property of any creator. and can’t be created by them.
They cannot even describe LIFE (Mathematicians) and here you are suggesting that a Mathematical description of Absolute being, something no creature even comprehends, is possible.I’m not a mathematician.
So that God is not a becoming, as in some pantheistic systems, nor a being whose infinite potentiality is gradually unfolded or evolved. But He possesses at once all perfections. He is simultaneously all that He can be, infinitely real and infinitely perfect. What we conceive as His attributes or His operations, are really identical with His essence, and His essence includes essentially His existence. For all intelligences except His own, God is incomprehensible and indefinable. The nearest approach we can make to a definition is to call Him the Actus Purus . It is the name God gives to Himself: “I am who am”, i.e., I am the fullness of being and of perfection.
Not meant as an insult to you personally, but you literally just said something can be done and not done at the same time. The law of noncontradiction forces me to notice the incoherence.Mathematics is perfectly at home defining the indefinable.
I will just quote myself from earlier:You seem to be saying that conscious living beings possess no similarities? But the very fact that they’re conscious and living implies that they do indeed have similarities. Isn’t life, in all of its various forms, still life?
Same thing as above.Just because we may fail to recognize nature’s patterns, doesn’t mean that they’re not there. Even you believe that you’re made in God’s image.
Well thanks! It took a few weeks but you finally got here. Glad we can finally put this behind us now.Technically, math can’t define what anything is. Not you, or me, or figgy pudding.
something = xmath both can, and can’t define something
An argument that no one made. If you’re going to donate me arguments, at least give me some I would actually make.Well, since I’m undefinable, that must make me God.
Now as to the actual arguments I have made on this thread, Math cannot describe all reality.For all intelligences except His own, God is incomprehensible and indefinable.
You are not undefinable. You have an essence that is a clear, finite boundary to your being. Again, lets not skirt around the actual context in which the word “definable” entered this discussion:Sorry, to disappoint you but yes I am.
Aloysium, is on the right track, we can define things in a couple of ways, with words, and with math. And it’s true, you can define me with words, but then again people define God with words too. They do it all the time. Now you may claim that these words don’t convey the fullness of what something is, and that’s true. But it’s true both for God and for me. So anything is definable by words…to a point…just as anything is definable by math…to a point.
But what’s that point? In words you might consider it to be the point where something can be defined simply as existence itself…Actus Purus. Not divisible into any constituent parts. It’s being itself. No definition beyond that is possible.
Yeah, you are most certainly not this^. And so no. Definitely definable.For all intelligences except His own, God is incomprehensible and indefinable.
I don’t know how often I’m expected to thank you but thank u again 4 admitting the argument. Literally this is the claim I made: repeatedly. That there is reality Math cannot define and not just Math but I included words and logic too. So it seems to me you came in, did not get the point being made and then proceeded to make unnecessary arguments denying that there is in fact reality that cannot be modelled by Math. You literally claimed “everything can be modelled by Math”, repeatedly.They exist, but they have indefinite properties. You, me, and figgy pudding can all be mathematically defined by our properties…to a point.
This was days ago and is just one of the posts in which the idea of “some description” that did not include what these realities are was expressed. It was repeated several other times.And I don’t know how order operates when it comes to the nature of our being. I mean:
-There must be some order since we are not God. Is it representable by math on some level? I don’t know.
-But there is also freedom. Can you really represent freedom or even being as being mathematically?
X=X doesn’t represents being as being, it seems. In other words, the unconditioned reality that is God…is it really mathematically describable? I highly doubt it.
We are an essence and existence (creatures) and I think that our essence makes us mathematically describable (possibly) but I doubt our existence is mathematically describable.
Why are you on a forum where the majority of us are Catholic then?The point of these posts wasn’t to convince you of anything. I knew going in that that was impossible. You’re a Catholic after all, you’re not supposed to be open-minded. The hope was that someone else will see what you can’t.
This is pathetic.You did exactly what I expected you to do, you didn’t listen. But somewhere out there, there’s someone who will. They’ll listen, and they’ll think. And for a Catholic, thinking is a very dangerous thing to do.
@RealisticCatholic , I am just wondering if math/logic can describe all realities; including life; freedom and Divinity. In other words, do you not see the difference between saying God creates through an act of his arbitrary will/freedom and saying he is creator by nature ? Claiming that Mathematics can describe/model all of reality without exception, seems to me to be speaking of this latter God. Spinoza’s God, perhaps, might be that; but I don’t see how a free act, like the act of creation, can be modelled on laws and principles that would then be describable in Mathematics. Not to mention an unconditioned reality.
Ok, thank you @tafan2! I did not know that. The pple I’ve been talking to seem to think everything is a fractal. So I granted it (I know nothing about Math) but made an exception for realities that seem to me things that don’t lend themselves easily to mathematical descriptions, like life itself, consciousness, will/freedom, Godhood.