So is Love the greatest power a God can possess?
How would we even measure God’s properties against each other?
God’s nature is Love, but it’s also Power, Propositional Knowledge, Goodness, Being, etc.
They are all apart of God’s essential nature, so to take any of them away and we are no longer speaking of a Maximally Great Being, and as such would no longer be discussing God.
God’s greatest property is his Maximal Greatness (the possession of all great-making properties to their maximal extent while not possessing any lesser-making properties to any extent).
I never really understand how that is a good argument to prove one God is more powerful and true than another.
Asking which Maximally Great Being is Greater than another is absurd.
Really the only reason the Trinity is greater than Allah, Brahman, Aten, Ahura Mazda, Zurvan, and Tian is because the Trinity is the True God in the sense of both being the fullest understanding of God and that it isn’t a persona presented by of an impostor. If Brahman was the True God and the Trinity a False God, then Brahman would be truer than the Trinity. You’re trying to compare nonbeings to fullest being.