My husband and I have only one child, due to health reasons. As far as I know, I am able to get pregnant again but it would endanger my health. I can’t risk my life to have another child when I’ve got to stay healthy and ALIVE for the precious child I’ve already got.
I think there’s a lot of prejudice toward families with only children. I read somewhere that, historically, it was considered a tragedy if people were unable to have any children or if they only had one child because it meant something was wrong with them.
It really hurt my feelings when a friend’s mother rudely informed me at a birthday party, “You won’t ever talk to an only child who didn’t hate being an only child.” I matched her bluntness by replying, “Speak for yourself. You will not find a happier, more well-adjusted child than mine.”
He’s seven and half years old and he is indeed, happy and well-adjusted with a heart for the Lord.
I don’t think you should have children just because it seems like the right thing to do or for insurance for your old age.
By the way, I have an older brother and we are not close at all–though I am not happy about it and wish to improve our relationship. Sometimes I feel like an only child myself.
I agree that people can be very rude to people with what society considers “too many kids” or “not enough kids”
it is wrong to think that a home with many children means that someone is left out or lacking etc. and it is just as wrong to think a family with only one child is somehow less than or not equal to a family with many.
My aunt and uncle were unable to have more than one child and many things they have heard are “oh, that is so sad” or “oh, your poor daughter”
I think that is just wrong, they adore their 13 yrd old miracle daughter and are so thrilled God blessed them with their daughter.
They are doing everything to make sure she has many friends and cousins to grow up with.
It is not sad or tragic, they look at it as a huge blessing.
We as society must get over this too many or too little, just love them and raise them right and enjoy them and thank God for them weather you have 1 or 21 kids… why is society so hung up on the how many kids thing? I have 4 children and I’ve heard some people say “how do you do it?” and I have also had Catholics say “when will you have more?” well, its none of their business that I can’t have anymore but what is the big deal these days about everyone feeling the need to explain how few or how many kids they have? When we as a society start to take on the attitude that “this is my family and my business” maybe this will settle down.
Since we can’t know why people have only one child we assume they are practicing birth control when in fact it is none of our business, it is between God and that family and when we question a large family, same thing, why? Why do we care so much about what thy neighbor is doing?
I can’t believe a study had to be done on this but that is the society we live in, very sad.