Is Our Lord predicting radical Islam in this verse?

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St. John 16:2 says: They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God. --Douay Rheims

This sounds like Christ could be talking about what radical Islam would do in our era. Even though he’s talking about synagogues, the passage still seems sort of eerie to me. I found it while I was reading History of the Church by Eusebios.

What are your thoughts on the matter? I think the correlation is no coincidence, seeing as how radical Muslims especially justify their acts by saying that they’re doing God’s Will when they murder Jews and Christians.

Discussion is welcomed. 👍

Alaha minokhoun
He was talking about Jews and their synagogues that forbid Jesus to this day.
He was talking about Jews and their synagogues that forbid Jesus to this day.
There is some truth to this as the Jews in Jesus’ time prosecuted many, many Christians. We only have to look at St Paul…
Hi Andrew,

Don’t be too judgemental. 2,000 years is a lot of history. In that time there have been many religious wars between Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans, Mormons and on and on it goes.

Sure, that verse could apply to the terrorism of today, but I don’t think that verse is particular to Islam.
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