Is perfection in eternity logical?

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The only progression that there is a procession back to the grace of God.

To be with God as Jesus always has. To have what Jesus has always had. A gift given to creation out of a love that cannot be contained. Once back to Gods grace where else would there be to progress? It is easy to offer all of those things that we as Americans would think that we would want. But Gods ways our not our ways, nor His thoughts like our thoughts. Progression to any other place except to God is indeed very much human thought, human ways. It is this very concept that has gotten us into trouble, the reason Christ came to die for us.
 “Grace, God’s presence within you, is like a seed—a vital, growing seed that is destined one day to break forth full-grown.  God has given himself to you, but in a hidden way.  For the time being, you seek him even as you possess him.  But the time will come when your seeking will be over.  You will then see and possess God completely.  This has been revealed.  In his first letter Saint John tells us:  “Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but what we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 Jn 3:2). And in his first letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul says:  “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood” (1 Cor 13:12). This is heaven: direct face-to-face vision of God as he is—Father, Son, and Spirit; total and perfect union with God, an ecstasy of fulfillment beyond human imagining; the “now” of eternity in which everything is ever new, fresh, and present to you; the warm flood of joy in the company of Jesus, his Mother, and all the people you have ever known and loved; a total absence of pain, regret, bad memories; the perfect enjoyment of all your powers of mind and (after the resurrection on Judgment Day) of body. This is heaven.  That is to say, this is a pale, human indication of what God has promised to those who love him, of what Christ has gained for us by his death and Resurrection.
I think this is close, but you told me in another post you did not expect to see your beloved grandfather again, that it would be just the good feelings and of course the ecstasy, which is like what? Can you compare it to something that we know here and now? I just can’t bring myself to want this intangible perfect joy and ecstacy. I want everything I have now, only without illness and death and pain. Also, I want to dwell in the presence of my Father in Heaven forever with my family around me.
Is that asking too much?
I really do want to know what other religions think about these questions but, so far all I get is mystical gobbily gook. Is there a simple answer or maybe the answer should be, I don’t know and I don’t care. Ignorance is bliss.
BJ Colbert:
I would not care where I went, it can be oblivion or hell, if my family and my friends are not there with me.
But Catholics do believe that we will be with our loved ones in heaven. Not having been there, no one here can give a perfect description; but it will be everything we have here, and more. That is part of the meaning of the communion of saints.
Is there a simple answer or maybe the answer should be, I don’t know and I don’t care.
Expecting simple answers to hard questions will lead to a long life of frustration! 😃
Making up answers leads to confusion. I guess that’s why we have so many church’s.
But Catholics do believe that we will be with our loved ones in heaven. Not having been there, no one here can give a perfect description; but it will be everything we have here, and more. That is part of the meaning of the communion of saints.
I am glad to know that Catholics believe they will be with their families in heaven. You are the first to state it in those terms.
Everyone else has ethereal descriptions of heaven and I really think heaven will be more earthly only in a perfected state.
Thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut.
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