Is sinning regularly a form of insanity

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It’s called original sin. It darkened our minds, and we are stuck with its effects until death. So we are all “insane” in a sense.

Okay. Great. So?
committing sin is in my opinion insanity full stop to those who realise just how unfruitful sin is and how ultimately temporal it’s effects are. In my opinion someone who sins frequently is insane as they know that their sin ultimately leads to unhappiness, eternal at that.
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Oh, you are being shut down. Don’t be disheartened by that you hit on an issue that is making people upset. Again, I am not certain what is at stake. But, again that there are real repercussions for sins is obvious to me.

I feel a lot of people are under the mistaken belief that sinners prosper or that sinning is only relevant to the afterlife. I’ve not seen one sinner prosper in real life. Maybe in movies, but not in real life.
No one here is denying that sin harms our soul and can darken our intellect.

Mental illness is a real thing. It is not only imprudent to suggest sin is mental illness it is contrary to the teaching of the Church.

The other side of your claim would be that those who live with mental illness are maybe just not good enough Christians.

It is a malignant offshoot of the heresy know as the prosperity gospel.
Maybe the word insane i used is a strong one but i wanted to emphasize the sheer foolishness that committing mortal sin is, that doing so is basically doing something that is insane, see my jumping off a high building comment i made earlier in this thread, that to want to jump off a 1000 ft tall building to enjoy the feeling of falling would be seen as insane by most people because the person would end their life by doing it. It is the same with mortal sin as we are risking ending our eternal lives every time we do it.
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