Is sleep paralysis demonic?

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I have been calling on the name of Jesus Christ when I have sleep paralysis. It always immediately stops whenever I do this. Is sleep paralysis caused by demons?
While mental and physical problems can be due to diabolical attacks, we can not really know without the judgement of the Church. Are you able to ask a priest?

I will keep you in my prayers!
Thank you for your prayers. I will email my local priest about my sleep paralysis.
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Is sleep paralysis caused by demons?
No. Your search engine will direct toward information about the causes of sleep paralysis. If you are still concerned, speak to a doctor.
So- I’ve had the unfortunate experience of actual sleep paralysis. I’ve also had an unfortunate encounter with the demonic (not something I tend to tell people as it sounds crazy). I’ve never believed that true sleep paralysis and problems with the demonic are the same thing.

When I had sleep paralysis I would actually be asleep and then my mind would wake up before my body. Your mind can play tricks on you during that time and it is terrifying in it’s own right. I was around twelve or thirteen at the time I had those experiences. I thought I was going to be a tetraplegic the rest of my life during one episode. One time I thought my own arm was someone else’s arm and hand, et cetera. It’s not fun.

However, my encounter with the demonic was when I was around seventeen. I had gotten involved via friends with some occult stuff. Went to an occult shop with attached tea house on a sabbat- and I wore a cross without thinking about it. One guy was very hostile to me due to this and I immediately started having trouble after that evening and it lasted for a couple of months.

Anyway, my experiences here were with a dark, malevolent shadow that would terrify me nightly. It would float over my bed, I was never able to get to sleep in the first place, and when I finally did, I had demonic nightmares. One night I finally worked up the courage to call on Jesus Christ and two glowing blue figures showed up. The black shadow/cloud demon thing disappeared and I fell asleep and never had any more trouble of that nature.

It sounds far-fetched, but I KNOW what I experienced and I would never wish the latter experience on anyone.
You may want to consult a doctor. In my experience, the devil is powerless against the faithful. The devil’s pride and arrogance are much greater than his real power.
Sleep paralysis is physical. Your body releases your muscle-tone when you enter sleep, so you don’t stumble around blind dreaming. Sometimes your mind wakes up before your body.

It’s natural and not demonic, however, if you feel afraid, prayer can’t hurt!

Sleep paralysis is physical. Your body releases your muscle-tone when you enter sleep, so you don’t stumble around blind dreaming. Sometimes your mind wakes up before your body.

It’s natural and not demonic, however, if you feel afraid, prayer can’t hurt!

But, how does that explain people who walk in their sleep, which is also a very real phenomenon? Can’t be physically paralyzed and sleepwalk.
Sleep paralysis is physical. Your body releases your muscle-tone when you enter sleep, so you don’t stumble around blind dreaming. Sometimes your mind wakes up before your body.

It’s natural and not demonic, however, if you feel afraid, prayer can’t hurt!

But, how does that explain people who walk in their sleep, which is also a very real phenomenon? Can’t be physically paralyzed and sleepwalk.
Sleep walking is a disorder where the body isn’t properly shut down when sleeping
My son has had sleep paralysis for years. It is most likely a very difficult to diagnose neurological problem - the brain’s switching back on of motor control when awakening.

But, fear not! God is infinitely more powerful than the devil himself and loves you infinitely, while the devil only wants you for bragging rights (with whom?).

Once you realize what a coward the devil is, you might come to view them as mere annoyances - like spiritual mosquitoes that the Lord swats away for you.
I have had bouts of sleep paralysis all of my life. Decades ago I learned to force myself to make sounds (calling out for help, or saying my husband’s name) so he would wake me up.

Because it is a frightening experience, our brains supply images that are frightening. For spiritual people it makes sense these would be diabolical sorts of images. 9 times out of 10, my images are of people who are vampires or possessed or a combo of both. I know that these are simply my brain in a dream state.
I have had bouts of sleep paralysis all of my life. Decades ago I learned to force myself to make sounds (calling out for help, or saying my husband’s name) so he would wake me up.

Because it is a frightening experience, our brains supply images that are frightening. For spiritual people it makes sense these would be diabolical sorts of images. 9 times out of 10, my images are of people who are vampires or possessed or a combo of both. I know that these are simply my brain in a dream state.
Yes, well said!

To ad my own personal experience:

While I don’t experience sleep paralysis often, when I do, I often feel an intruder (criminal) is in my house.

I’m sure some people think they are being abducted by aliens during sleep paralysis, while some think a demon is there.

Our dreaming mind is trying to make sense of what’s going on since we are still partly asleep. So subconsciously, we assume it’s what we most fear would happen when sleeping.

NOTE: now, this does NOT mean that the devil never attempts to tempt or attack us while we sleep. If one truly thinks their sleep paralysis has a demonic element, one should seek a priest to be safe.

God Bless
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I was a sleep technician for 5 years about 10 years ago. As best I can recall sleep paralysis is a physiological condition. We didn’t see it much in my lab but I heard about it some.

If you think you have it I would recommend speaking with a sleep medicine specialist (physician). When I was involved in sleep medicine it was somewhat unregulated, and some physicians would moonlight doing sleep studies where the quality was questionable. I haven’t kept up but I believe if you find one through the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), hopefully at a university or major medical center, that would probably improve the chances of finding a quality provider greatly.
Who were those glowing figures?? Did they say anything? How did you feel? Scared? At peace?
I am almost 100% that one time when i couldnt get out of paralysis i went so deep and had out of body experience. It wasnt like a dream. It was like an unreal reality.
No. Sleep paralysis is a perfectly normal brain function designed to stop you hurting yourself when you are in REM sleep. Sometimes you wake in the middle of such sleep and it takes a second for you bodies paralysis to deactivate. Enjoy your sleep and dont worry.
There was no speaking. There was no fear. They got rid of the demon. I felt extreme peace in that moment. I believe they were angels. It was the direct opposite of what I felt with the demon.

My main point in sharing that story is that I’ve been told that entire experience was sleep paralysis by someone before. Nothing could be further from the truth if you have a basis for comparison after having experienced actual sleep paralysis. There are plenty that will attempt to explain away demonic encounters as being either sleep paralysis or just a dream- when the truth is they are neither.
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I had the same experience. Whenever I have sleep paralysis and I say Jesus help it immiedetetely ends. Unfortunately I have problems with demons caused by OOBE and Lucid dreams. Never try it. Never.
It will be better for you to talk with priest who has some experience in such topics. Not all has. Bless you all. 🙂
That’s true, in fact, all the sleep paralysis episodes I had were without visual hallucinations, just a paralysis incredibly difficult to break. I thought I was weird but now that you say it maybe a bunch of sleep paralysis cases are mixed with demonic ocurrences.
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