There is no link in the Orthodox Church between celibacy and the priesthood. Celibacy is not a requirement for the priesthood in the Orthodox Church. Just the opposite really. A man who desires to be a parish priest must find himself a wife and get married before he becomes a deacon.Married or single priest?
Why married or why single and what is most common among Orthodox priest these days?
Celibacy is a special calling from God for monks and for nuns.
Bishops are celibate because they are chosen from the monks and (quite rarely) from a widowed parish priest.
Some monks may be asked to operate in parishes if there is a shortage of married parish clergy but this is a bit of an anomaly.
Which is more numerous?
Here are some statistics (the diocese of Moscow) that may be of interest:
On December 23, 2003, the Diocesan Assembly of Moscow Diocese took place in Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow.
There are 132 dioceses in Moscow Patriarchate today.
The number of hierarchs: 154; 130 ruling hierarchs; 24 vicar and 12 retired
The number of monasteries: 312 male and 325 female; total - 635 (not taking into an account 167 monastery representations [podvorie] and 45 sketes) - a full total of 847
Number of parishes on the territory of Russia: 16,350
Number of clergymen that serve these parishes: 15,605 priests and 3,405 deacons; total - 19,010 clergymen
Number of monasteries in Moscow: 4 male and 4 female
Number of patriarchal stavropegial monasteries: 24
Number of theological schools: 5 theological academies; 1 theological
institute; 1 Orthodox university; 33 theological seminaries; 44 theological schools; 14 pastoral schools; 3 diocesan female schools. There are also a growing number of schools for choir directors, iconographers and Sunday school teachers.
Number of students in Moscow theological schools this year: 687 intern seminarians and 880 by correspondence.
The number of Orthodox temples and chapels in Moscow: 681, including 7 Kremlin cathedrals, 2 cathedral churches, 5 chapels of the synodal departments, 357 parish churches, 114 patriarchal representation churches [podvorie], 64 monastery representation churches [podvorie], 65 chapels; 67 temples and chapels are in the process of construction Divine services are taking place in 480 temples and 65 chapels. The services are not yet resumed in 31 temples. 32 temples are not yet vacated by their former occupants. 133 domestic chapels
Number of clergymen that serve Moscow parishes: 723 priests and 287 deacons; total - 1,010 clergymen
Number of priest-monks that serve in stavropegial monasteries in Moscow diocese: 347; in other stavropegial monasteries - 112
The total number of the clergymen in the Moscow diocese: 1,532
In the course if the current year, the clergy of Moscow was increased by 51 graduates of theological schools, the clergymen transferred from other dioceses and those ordained by recommendations of rectors of Moscow churches and monasteries.
In the current year we lost: 7 retired; 4 went to other dioceses; 1 (priest
Victor Shishkin) suspended; 6 died.