Your situation is exactly the reason that many Catholics just decide to ignore Church teaching and practice birth control anyway. I have never understood that aspect of Church teaching either. If you’re looking for a loophole, I have just read a good book called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by John R. Lee, M.D. and Jesse Hanley, M.D. It is an interesting book, and I have never seen anything like it before. I don’t really know if what it says is true. It states that many women have an overabundance of estrogen and a serious lack of progesterone. It also states that synthetic progestin is bad for us. The book says that the overabundance of estrogen happens from feeding it to cattle, pesticides, etc.
Lack of enough natural progesterone causes miscarriage and short leutal (sp) phases. I believe that your wife could at least justify taking some natural progesterone to make her cycle more normal. This book recommends natural creams. If she got too much and it acted like a birth control pill, that would be secondary. According to this book, natural progesterone will help rather than harm the fetus. Your wife has a right to a normal cycle and is justified in using medication to achieve that.
Maybe some doctors on this site can verify whether or not this idea is true or false.
Lack of enough natural progesterone causes miscarriage and short leutal (sp) phases. I believe that your wife could at least justify taking some natural progesterone to make her cycle more normal. This book recommends natural creams. If she got too much and it acted like a birth control pill, that would be secondary. According to this book, natural progesterone will help rather than harm the fetus. Your wife has a right to a normal cycle and is justified in using medication to achieve that.
Maybe some doctors on this site can verify whether or not this idea is true or false.