First of all… a condition (any condition) is not “evil”. “Evil” or “wicked” are moral terms and they describe the actions of those agents who
knowingly inflict or allow
unnecessary suffering on others.
Question: “what is
unnecessary suffering”?
Answer: “A suffering which is not balanced by some desirable good, which cannot be achieved without this suffering”.
Question: “Example, please”.
Answer: “Certainly. If a medical treatment causes temporary suffering or discomfort, but that suffering will lead to a cure and it
cannot be avoided, then the suffering is necessary.”
Question: “This seems to depend on the level of technology”.
Answer: “Yes, indeed. In the middle ages there was no anesthesiology, so the patients were offered a bullet to bite upon while the “barber” used a hacksaw to amputate an arm or a leg. Today such a procedure would be barbaric and unnecessary.”
Question: “So what is your conclusion?”
Answer: “It should be obvious. One can examine the problem in the light of two starting points. One is that there is a loving and caring God, while the other one is that no such God exists”.
Question: “I see. What is your conclusion if there is no such loving and caring God?”
Answer: "Then as long as the agents act according to the best available technology, and inflict absolutely minimal pain, suffering or discomfort on others, then the suffering in necessary and as such not “gratuitous”.
Question: “What about the starting point that there is an omnipotent and benevolent God”?
Answer: “If God can do anything and everything that is not a logical impossibility, then all the sufferings could be eliminated.”
Question: “Hold it right there! How do you know that the existing sufferings are NOT necessary to achieve some greater good?”
Answer: “Obvious. No matter what kind of suffering you present, omnipotence can overcome it. After all omnipotence is able to do anything and everything, except logical impossibilities.”
Question: “That takes care of the so-called
natural evils. What about the pain and suffering which is inflicted by psychopaths and sociopaths? Their actions cannot be eliminated without restricting or eliminating their freedom to inflict such sufferings.”
Answer: “Why should that be a problem? We, using our limited resources will place these wicked (or evil) people into jails and prisons and take away their freedom to inflict pain and suffering on others. There is nothing wrong with this procedure. Their freedom leads to our suffering, so we restrict or take away their freedom to protect our well-being. Is there something wrong with that?”
If you wish to criticize this line of reasoning, please go ahead.