Is it a sin to commit suicide when a person is sincerely hurting and believes it is the only right thing to do? I know it is a sin but I know people that hurt so deeply and aren’t thinking clearly because they just can’t. I’m really interested in hearing what others have to say.
Friend, I am not sure how to read your message.
Are you saying that things in your life are so dark or that you are hurting so much that the only way out you see is suicide? Trust me when I say that will only make things worse. The friends and family that you leave behind will suffer for many years more from he suicide than from anything you think justifies this act. This sin is not only in usurping God’s role as Creator, Lord and Master of all Life, but also the pain inflicted so thoughtlessly on those you leave behind is really the ultimate selfishness, not at all to be confused with self-sacrifice.
Do you believe someone you love has committed suicide? Trust in the Lord who knows the heart. I had an Uncle in the Korean War whose death was ruled a suicide. According to his commander, my uncle climbed out of his bunker and stood there until he was shot down by enemy fire. Only later it was discovered that he had BiPolar Disorder and on the day it happened, they were feeding the men amphetimenes to keep them up. BiPolars can’t take speed. It makes them psycotic. My Uncle did not kill himself on purpose. Under the influence of drugs, he believed he was ten feet tall and bullet proof. But the Lord who knows the heart knows all this.
Some really misguided souls even think that because of some sin they have committed that they must kill themselves to atone for that sin. Judas betrayed Jesus. He believed he knew better than God who the Messiah should be. At some point he realized his error and tried to correct it. In the end, he chose to believe he, Judas, was abetter judge of his soul than God. In sin, big or small there is only one hope: Jesus Christ. Anything telling you otherwise is either mental illness or the evil one.
If you are thinking about suicide, please get some help in your local area right away. If you have lost someone to suicide seek out a support group for survivors of suicide. If this line of questioning is motivated by idle curiousity, I would strongly suggest redirecting your intellectual skills to something more positive like prayer and good works for the mentally ill.
If the moderator can arrange it, I would happily talk with you in a private chat room.