Is taking painkillers a way of lessening the physical suffering that God sends a person?

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The relief of pain is a legitimate endeavor. That is why God created physicians like Jesus and Saint Luke.

God would not desire your suffering, unless in some unknown way, it will eventually benefit you. For example “long suffering” (patience) is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. DELIVERANCE from oppressive medical conditions does occur, and it can have a wonderful effect on patients and loved ones. For example, new and more effective medication might suddenly be invented. Keep up hope and prayer.

Suffering DOES NOT mean you are a bad person. Jesus suffered, and he was the perfect person

Headache is a complicated problem that requires a careful and thorough diagnostic workup. Migraine headache is not simply “severe headache.” To physicians, it really means “headache of vascular origin.”
If this diagnosis came from a physician, you should have had an MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiogram) to rule out dangerous brain aneurysm or arterio-venous malformation as a cause of headache. If ruled out, it is usually declared “simple migraine.” Cluster headache is another migraine type condition that is treated differently.

Simple migraines can be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs, of the triptan family, which terminate and reduce frequency of migraine headaches. They are not “pain killers” in the sense of narcotics.

Narcotic pain relievers may be helpful as an adjunct, but there are serious concerns about overuse or habituation which might be detrimental to your health.

Neurologists are the headache experts.
This is a new for me… I’m sorry, you’re in pain. I pray God eases you pain quickly and soon… but

God allows us to suffer pain for payment of our sins? Does this have something to do with the amount of time you spend in purgatory?
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Why isn’t Genesis 3:16 an exception to this? God specifically says “ … in pain shall you bring forth your children.” It has been my understanding that anesthesia in childbirth violates this Biblical admonition.
Have you given birth?? I assure you, pain medication does not alleviate all or even most of the pain. There are many forms of pain that are not simply the contractions of labor. A few examples - the pain of morning sickness, of gestational diabetes, of exhaustion, and of insomnia during a normal pregnancy. The exhaustion after the birth, the pain of initial-nursing, the pain of recovering from any tearing during the birth, the pain of anxiety if the baby is unwell, the pain of a chasm of grief if baby dies. The pain of running on no sleep and needing to care for other children. The pain of having no routine because babies eat and sleep randomly for months & you can’t eat or shower or use the bathroom when you want to. The list could go on & doesn’t even include complications in pregnancy or birth! Pain medication just takes the edge off the contractions of active labor. That is a drop in the ocean!
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Ah, motherhood…

I’ll tell you that if men had to give birth we’d be extinct in three or four generations.
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It doesn’t say ‘in pain shall you bring forth children AND you may not do anything to alleviate that pain’.
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Migraines can affect one’s quality of life to the point where family can suffer, work can suffer, school can suffer, tasks become harder to complete – all of life is diminished by such extreme and excruciating agony. This is NOT what God would want. You can’t be your best when in that condition.

As noted in a previous post, God also supplied the means of producing medication effective at treating migraine so one can get on with one’s life and even enjoy it a little more.

Nothing wrong with relieving severe pain. Why do you think God gave us healers, and Jesus himself was a healer?

You aren’t obliged to suffer intolerably, and it’s unhealthy to do so.

We can offer our pain for reparations of our sins. We can also offer our pain for the souls in purgatory to lessen their time there.

I believe that it was Archbishop Fulton Sheen who was riding in a car going past a hospital when he turned to his fellow traveler and said something like there was much wasted suffering in the hospital because the patients were not offering their suffering to God.

Thank you for this.

Yes I didn’t mean to imply that we cannot take medication to alleviate pain or discomfort.

If God sends pain, in his mercy, he also sends physicians and medications to assist us.
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