Is the Antichrist the son of Satan?

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Can someone please tell me if the Antichrist could be the son of Satan? In Revelation it says the dragon (Satan) gives the beast his power, throne, and authority. How would Satan accomplish that if the Antichrist were a mere human? I know only God can create life, but the Antichrist must come into being to fulfill prophecy, so if a soul is needed for the Antichrist, then I assume God provides one. I’m primarily interested in a Catholic perspective.

I’m not that well versed in all the different ideas regarding the Antichrist (and as this is all speculation there are quite a few), but I can share some of what I’ve learned and then hopefully someone else can expand upon the subject.
In Revelation it says the dragon (Satan) gives the beast his power, throne, and authority. How would Satan accomplish that if the Antichrist were a mere human?
Satan is a very powerful creature, he is the one in all of Creation that by his nature resembles God the most. God is, of course, infinitely more powerful still, and thanks to Him the Devil is severely limited in how much he may affect the world. However, or so the theory goes, in the Last Days Satan will be much more free to act, and will choose (with great indignation, no doubt) to use his liberated powers in service of a mere man. It is not the man himself who wields the power, though.

At least that is one theory, I guess it’s possible to believe other things as well, like maybe the Antichrist won’t be a human at all, but a demonic illusion. Still, there is no reason to think that the Antichrist can’t be a normal human. There is a commonly accepted private revelation regarding this which says that he will be born from an unholy union between a bishop and a nun.

As for him being a literal son of Satan, I don’t think that’s a permissable idea to hold. Like you say, only God can create life. Maybe I’m wrong on this and someone can correct me, but I’m pretty sure that causing miraculous conceptions or incarnating is beyond the power of any demons, even Satan, and so he wouldn’t have any way of having a son.
Satan is an angel. Angels do not have human bodies, nor human reproductive organs.

It is a cool plot device for movies and books (Rosemary’s Baby is still the best of them!), however no angel, fallen or not, can reproduce.
Who then are the sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4, if not angels? The Bible clearly distinguishes them from human beings. See footnote 2b and especially verse 4.
An older post from @Dan_Defender:
St. Augustine, Chrysostom, and Cyril of Alexandria suggested that the “sons of God” may refer to righteous descendants (men) of Seth who took descendants (women) of Cain as wives.
The descendants of Seth worshiped the true God whereas the descendants of Cain followed false gods.
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The scriptures are not always clear. Context is absolutely crucial. Genesis 6:1-4 from the Haydock Commentary.
Ver. 1. Daughters. These had borne equal proportion with the males from the beginning; but here they are particularized, because they were the chief instruments in corrupting the descendants of Seth. H. — Even the sons of these libidinous people were so effeminate, as to deserve to be called women. M.

Ver. 2. The sons of God. The descendants of Seth and Enos are here called Sons of God, from their religion and piety: whereas the ungodly race of Cain, who by their carnal affections lay grovelling upon the earth, are called the children of men. The unhappy consequence of the former marrying with the latter, ought to be a warning to Christians to be very circumspect in their marriages; and not to suffer themselves to be determined in choice by their carnal passion, to the prejudice of virtue or religion. Ch. — See S. Chrys. hom. 22, &c. Some copies of the Sept. having the angels of God, induced some of the ancients to suppose, that these spiritual beings (to whom, by another mistake, they attributed a sort of aerial bodies) had commerce with women, as the pagans derived their heroes from a mortal and a god. But this notion, which is borrowed from the book of Henoch, is quite exploded. C. — The distinction of the true Church from the synagogue of satan, here established, has been ever since retained, as heretics are still distinguished from Catholics. W. S. Aug.

Ver. 3. His days shall be, &c. The meaning is, that man’s days, which before the flood were usually 900 years, should now be reduced to 120 years. Or rather, that God would allow men this term of 120 years, for their repentance and conversion, before he would send the deluge. Ch. — He spoke therefore to Noe in his 480th year. S. Aug. — Those who suppose, that he foretold this event 20 years later, think with S. Jerom, that God retrenched 20 years from the time first assigned for penance. The Spirit of the sovereign Judge was fired with contending; or, as others translate it, with remaining quiet as in a scabbard, and bearing with the repeated crimes of men. He resolved to punish them severely in this world, that he might shew mercy to some of them hereafter. S. Jer. 9. Heb. C. — If we suppose, that God here threatens to reduce the space of man’s life to 120 years, we must say, at least, that he did it by degrees; for many lived several hundred years, even after the deluge. In the days of Moses, indeed, few exceeded that term. But we think the other interpretation is more literal, and that God bore with mankind the full time which he promised. W.
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Ver. 4. Giants. It is likely the generality of men before the flood were of a gigantic stature, in comparison with what men now are. But these here spoken of, are called giants, as being not only tall in stature, but violent and savage in their dispositions, and mere monsters of cruelty and lust. Ch. — Yet we need not imagine, that they were such as the poets describe, tearing up mountains, and hurling them against heaven. Being offspring of men, who had lived hitherto with great temperance, but now gave full scope to their passions, and the love of the fair daughters whom they chose, we need not wonder that they should be amazingly strong and violent. Nephilim, rushing on, as Ag. translates. That there have been giants of an unusual size, all historians testify. Og, Goliah, &c. are mentioned in Scripture, and the sons of Enac are represented as much above the common size, as the Hebrews were greater than grasshoppers. Num. xiii. 34. If we should suppose they were four or five times our size, would that be more wonderful that they should live nine or ten times as long as we do? See S. Aug. C. D. xv. 9. 23. Calmet’s Dissert. &c. Delrio affirms, that in 1572 he saw at Rouen, a native of Piedmont, above nine feet high. H. — Of old. The corruption of morals had commenced many ages ago, and some of the sons of Seth had given way to their lusts; so that we are not to suppose, that these giants were all born within a hundred years of the flood, as some might suppose from their being mentioned here, after specifying the age of Noe. C. v. 31. H.
These were the men who worshipped God marrying women who did not.
Jimmy Akin did the work for you. Here is a link to his article that is on the Catholic Answers site. Hope this helps:

He also did a podcast on the nephilim on Jimmy Akins Mysterious World. That would answer your “Who then…” question.
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