“Unhappy man, who will liberate me from this body of death (lit.- the body of this death)?” Certainly, he does not wiish to exit prison, who does not wiish to exit the body, for the body is the prison of the soul. Of which says the Psalmist: “Lead my soul from prison, to confiding in your name.” Never is there quite and tranquillity, never is there peace and security, everywhere is fear and tremor, everywhere labor and pain. “While it (the soul) lives it shall mourn, and the soul over itself self shall weep.”
–A saint and a pope, Innocent III, from De Contemptu Mundi (XIX)
My intuitions always thought this.
“Unhappy man, who will liberate me from this body of death (lit.- the body of this death)?” Certainly, he does not wiish to exit prison, who does not wiish to exit the body, for the body is the prison of the soul. Of which says the Psalmist: “Lead my soul from prison, to confiding in your name.” Never is there quite and tranquillity, never is there peace and security, everywhere is fear and tremor, everywhere labor and pain. “While it (the soul) lives it shall mourn, and the soul over itself self shall weep.”
–A saint and a pope, Innocent III, from De Contemptu Mundi (XIX)
My intuitions always thought this.