Spiritual Body ====> pneumatikon soma; yes, but a solid body nonetheless. Flesh and **bones, **remember?“Just as a blind man is unable to form any idea about colors, or a deaf person to fathom what it means to hear sounds… so the body cannot comprehend the delights of the soul… For we live in a material world, and the only kind of pleasure we can understand is that experienced through our body. But the joys of the spirit are everlasting and ceaseless. There is no resemblance of any kind between the enjoyments of the soul and those of the body.”
This is from a Jewish mystic, but seems to suggest that the body and soul are separate. Maimonides also suggests that the glorifies bodies will be spiritual, not physical. The body of the resurrected Christ seems to be consistent with this notion in that He was able to walk through locked doors.
And our LORD’s “new” body seems to at least to include in part the original body, as the tomb was empty.
Soul and soma are **separable, **owing to the hideous shamefulness that is human death, but not fundamentally separate. Without soul, body can’t be alive, without body, soul can’t live life.