
A few comments.
- I did not suggest that logic decimated LDS beliefs but rather that anti-Mormon’s used “logic” to supposedly decimate LDS beliefs.
Thanks for the clarification TOm. Is it wrong to use logic? I know that you don’t believe this. Then do you believe that we are trying to use false or deceptive logic? If so, it should be easy to show where the faults are. Or are you concerned that our goal seems to be to show how the entire mormon faith is false (i.e “decimate” this faith) rather than to leave portions of this faith intact ? I ask these questions sincerely because I do not clearly see the problem. If one is truly interested in moving closer toward pure truth (as I am), logic is very helpful. If Catholics are correct, then decimation of the LDS faith is an unavoidable consequence of moving toward the truth, but the goal is still exposing the truth.I agreeTOmNossor said:*
I do not think that anti-arguments have no place, but I think one must be incredibly careful. In the absence of pro-arguments, I think anti-arguments should be avoided. I also think that when one chooses to utilize anti-arguments they need to do so from a position of well researched knowledge and charity.
Yes, I do see what you are saying. Indeed, the easiest way to show that the LDS faith is wrong (anti argument) is to show that the Catholic church was, and more importantly still is, the one true Church (pro argument). Attacking the book of mormon is not necessary if there never was a need for it in the first place. I have reread the other mormon thread that discusses this in more detail. It does seem that this “pro argument” was well articulated by many. If you are interested in hashing this out again, perhaps a new thread would be better. Not all that could be said in this regard has been covered.The reason for the need to have both anti and pro arguments is that I believe much of what is anti-Mormonism points one to atheism. My personal belief is that if one cannot accept that “a prophet is only a prophet when acting as such, and the further clarification contained in the D&C concerning binding LDS doctrine” they are duplicitous if they accept “infallibility is only guaranteed when speaking from the Chair of Peter, in accordance with faith or morals, and conforming to tradition.”
TOmNossor said:*
I do not think it is impossible for Catholics to practice higher apologetics. It might not be easy and it may not be the best method of apologetics at all times, but you are not Protestants or LDS or Bahai or Moslems. (You are also not Jews, but since Jews are seldom evangelical I do not think Catholics need to fight that battle). The 4 groups I listed cannot be true unless the Catholic Church feel into error. The Catholic can show that they have not fallen into error and rest on their merits. The other groups I mentioned cannot do this.
Yes, again I agree. These groups must be able to show that the Catholic Church did cease to exist before one can even investigate their claims to now possess the truth. In this regard, the Catholic church does have the upper hand.
With all due love and respect…