I’ve been reading about different religions lately, and a video I saw showed Gregorian chants and a Latin Mass among video shots of other religions. Now I know Vatican II allowed other religion’s musical themes and styles to a certain extent and I think I may be ok with that. Anyway, what this all got me thinking of was the holiness of God and whether Christianity really gives the most reverence in doctrine to the God’s sanctity. I had a thread called Holiness??? awhile back, this this is much more complete (also since I was satisfied that my question was answered).
Would not God be a holier God if, because of His sanctity, there could not be exist:
That is what I am wrestling with, not silly arguments on whether the divine exists.
Would not God be a holier God if, because of His sanctity, there could not be exist:
- Disorder or pain in innocent things
- sin (that’s a huge one)
- things happening contrary to nature
- people enjoying sin
- torture and mockery of God in human form
- even reaching towards the ark to stabilize it
- God becoming human when others of that species had sinned
- People in Heaven now seeing the Beatific Vision in a torn state of nature (without bodies)
- sinful reception of communion
- God indirectly sustains evil done
- Pregnancys from adultery and artificial insemination
That is what I am wrestling with, not silly arguments on whether the divine exists.