We must remember that things can only happen if God allows it to happen. God’s providence reigns over creation. If a person is possessed God allowed it. Angels have the power to affect material things, this is why people can be led to believe that they have special powers like telekenisis, ESP, clairvoyance, etc. In this way people can be led to believing in false gods, (against the First Commandment, ) and believe they have some undiscovered power in themselves. Some of the saints were affected by physical harassment and beatings from demons. But with God’s grace the saints defeated these fallen angels which is a miracle in itself. Angel are far superior to men in their nature, and powers. God through humans can humiliate them. He can take the weak and defeat the strong in every way! Who is like God!! All things are possible to Him. He can take a sick and handicapped society and make it beautiful, but not without societies consent. He will not force Himself on anyone. Love is freely given by God, we need to give God our love freely.Its in Aquinas’s treatise of angels. How can God grant the ability to assume a body to a devil that doesn’t already have that ability? Would that God be Holy?