They could marry before ordination, not after. And as others have pointed out (along with me) there are still ‘married priests’ in certain rites. Again, apples and oranges.
The ordination of priests itself is core doctrine, and unchangeable. “The Church has no authority to ordain women.”
Therefore, if this is a teaching from God, then it is more ‘just’ than what the world in AD 2019 knows as justice.
200 years ago, the majority of people in these USA, educated, intelligent, Christian, loving people, believed that slavery --a LEGAL RIGHT–was just.
Those same people believed that abortion, the killing of an unborn child, was not just.
Fast forward to today. The majority of people in these USA believe slavery is not only wrong and unjust now, but was 200 years ago as well.
But a loud and ‘claimed majority’ likewise believe abortion is just, legal, right, . . now and 200 years ago as well.
These examples are human rights examples of how ‘justice’ as given in the secular world can change.
Compare to the Church. The Catholic Church then, as now, believed that chattel slavery was wrong (in stark contrast to many nonCatholic churches). It also believed then, and now, that abortion is the murder of the unborn.
“Justice” according to the law of the law in the USA changes according to what ‘society’ deems right and wrong.
"justice’, according to the Church, does not change. It may be better understood but the core does not change.
An example: Suicide.
Suicide, self murder, is always gravely wrong.
A person who commits suicide however, even though the action remains gravely wrong, may be less culpable in that he or she might be ‘temporarily’ insane or incapable of understanding this at the point of commission of suicide, and God may be merciful.
That doesn’t mean that the Church has ‘changed its stance’ and now says, “Suicide is not a sin”.