Thank you for taking time to reply
There is no such thing as a “homosexual person”. There are people who are sexually attracted to their own gender, but they are still just humans, not “special”. As such they are treated just like EVERYBODY ELSE, sinners in dire need of salvation.
I agree with you unfortunately the Church claims that the “homosexual person” is real
The Church says in CCC 2357:
Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or
predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex.
I believe here the Church is defining two categories of “homosexual person” that the Church references later in CCC 2359.
I believe the Church is saying some “homosexual persons” have an exclusive SSA and some “homosexual persons” have a
predominant SSA. For me the predominant “homosexual person” is a bit irrational as this person would have SSA and OSA.
I have no idea what the Church has in mind by accepting the myth of the “homosexual person” if you find out please let me know.
I believe it comes from the “steam of corruption” and “gay lobby” that Pope Francis referenced at one point. I understand that Pope
Francis has also said “if someone is gay who am I to judge” and supports this section of the CCC. I hope at some point the Holy
Father will have time to sort this all out.
Don’t pander to folk’s delusions and things become much more clear.
What would a “self-identified” person be exactly? Someone who thinks they are a horse?
I have already had this discussion in previous threads. I believe I am in the minority and along with the Church most
here accept the existence of “homosexual persons”. As far as I know self-identification is what brings a “homosexual
person” into existence. I believe that the “homosexual person” is the only type of “self-identified person” recognized by
the Church. I believe that the whole idea is absurd but if the Church starts down this path then how can the Church not
recognize all types of “self-identified persons” if that is the criteria.
God bless