Historically primacy came with authority. Primus inter pares was never an empty title with honor only. Name suggests so in current language but historical reality is different.
There is a context to primacy… Paul wrote of it… The Kingdom of Heaven is measured in Power… So when two God-bearing Saints - Or five or twenty or two hundred - encounter each other, it does not take them long to see which of them has more and which has less power… Ecclesiologically, because of the profound conservatism of the Faith of Christ, the history of the origins of the Church is built into Her structure, and this means that the Good Order of the Church is ‘seen’ in Her Services as commemorating Her founding…
So that the Primacy of the Chair of Peter is an honorific commemorating the Early Church in Her founding, and provides for the Good Order of the Church when She joins Services across juridical boundaries… Much as date of ordination determines ranking of Priests concelebrating… Older priests, generally speaking, have “seniority” of “position”… And older people are “senior” to younger adults and children…
This primacy is not supremacy, but deference… And reflects a kind of ‘natural order’ of our love for one another, and the value of the acquisition of the virtue of love across time…
Primacy in an honorific…
Turning Primacy into Supremacy destroys the very Primacy it would seem to affirm…
And in fact this is what has happened…
Because Ecclesiological schism was its fruit…
Pope Paul IV ordered him extradited to Rome where on August 22, 1556 he was executed by being boiled alive in oil.
In his capacity as a ruler of secular state, not as head of the Church.
Do you think this might be a distinction without a difference?
The Orthodox had a Patriarch who was NEVER Head of State (Emperor)
But oh do we pray for them!
The Orthodox do not reject Original Sin, nor that death descends from it.
Death will be the last enemy of man that God will destroy…
And indeed, in Christ, and only in Him, is already destroyed…