Is the Eastern Orthodox Church correct

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Like oppressing minorities in Europe? Or covering up sex abuse for over half a century? Or bowing before pagan idols such as pachamama?
Agreed, Agreed and Super Agreed (the pachamama fiasco is totally frightening to me).
Also I would like to add the sanctioning of slaughtering en masse of those who disagree with you (ie Catholic Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition condemned to death 5000 alone).
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The vast majority of what the Eastern Orthodox Church teaches and practices is the same as what the Catholic Church teaches and lives. That which they teach that contradicts the Catholic Church is incorrect.
Personally, I think a lot of what Orthodoxy teaches is beautiful and valuable. Much spiritual and theological gold in the East; IMHO.

However: I must respectfully point out that I don’t understand how death can be inherited from Adam without Original Sin. Also: I must point out the chaos of the Orthodox ecclesiology.

To answer the question of unbaptized babies:

I always hear on Catholic radio that the Church teaches that we leave them up to the mercy of God and say we don’t know where they end up.
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Highest among equals. Not supreme ruler who can do whatever he wants and force the church to obey.
Historically primacy came with authority. Primus inter pares was never an empty title with honor only. Name suggests so in current language but historical reality is different.

Historically speaking power of the Pope was never quite limited- but prudence of their actions could be questioned. Popes had more direct power over the West and less direct over the East. As Pope St. Gregory says, if there is fault among Bishops every single one can be judged by Roman See… but if there is no fault, equality prevails. He also said he can annul Eastern synods with strike of a pen and asked “who can doubt that it (See of Constantinople) is subject to Apostolic See (Rome)?”. He said that through him Peter speaks and his writings suggest Papal Infallibility. East’s response? He is canonised Saint.
ie Catholic Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition condemned to death 5000 alone
Thats actually quite mythical and at the same time has little to do with Pope. Church judged someone heretic and then gave them over to secular authorities. Heresies were largely denying God and as such they denied Kings who ruled in God’s name and hence heretic was a rebel. Secular authorities usually dealt with them by killing them, but that is not Pope’s decision.

Again, historically people would claim to be clerics (for example university students did this) because then they had right for Church trial and Church trials were milder and more just. Secular trials were full of corrupted judges and many wanted to escape them. Church trials were actually desirable for people. This was thorn in side for secular rulers up until reformation and was one of Church-State problems.
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However: I must respectfully point out that I don’t understand how death can be inherited from Adam without Original Sin.
It is quite more a thing of approach and terminology than real difference.
Much spiritual and theological gold in the East; IMHO.
Because East is by default Catholic. It always was Catholic until Schism. After all Eastern Catholics embody real theological treasure of the East…
I must point out the chaos of the Orthodox ecclesiology.
Well one good thing is that Eastern Catholics do not share ecclesiology with Orthodoxy. I agree it can lead to several problems. On the same note, extreme centralisation to Rome is extreme to other side.
Secular authorities usually dealt with them by killing them, but that is not Pope’s decision.
The papal states were under direct rule of the Pope from the 8th century until 1870. The Roman Inquisition began in 1542 . Pomponio Algerio was a student at the university of Padua who espoused Lutheranism. He was sentenced by the Roman Inquisition, but the Venetian authorities refused to execute him. Pope Paul IV ordered him extradited to Rome where on August 22, 1556 he was executed by being boiled alive in oil.
Pope Paul IV ordered him extradited to Rome where on August 22, 1556 he was executed by being boiled alive in oil.
In his capacity as a ruler of secular state, not as head of the Church.
However: I must respectfully point out that I don’t understand how death can be inherited from Adam without Original Sin.
The Orthodox do not reject Original Sin, nor that death descends from it.

They do not, however, attribute personal inherited guilt to it, as RC typically does (but it is not dogmatic).
Historically primacy came with authority. Primus inter pares was never an empty title with honor only. Name suggests so in current language but historical reality is different.
There is a context to primacy… Paul wrote of it… The Kingdom of Heaven is measured in Power… So when two God-bearing Saints - Or five or twenty or two hundred - encounter each other, it does not take them long to see which of them has more and which has less power… Ecclesiologically, because of the profound conservatism of the Faith of Christ, the history of the origins of the Church is built into Her structure, and this means that the Good Order of the Church is ‘seen’ in Her Services as commemorating Her founding…

So that the Primacy of the Chair of Peter is an honorific commemorating the Early Church in Her founding, and provides for the Good Order of the Church when She joins Services across juridical boundaries… Much as date of ordination determines ranking of Priests concelebrating… Older priests, generally speaking, have “seniority” of “position”… And older people are “senior” to younger adults and children…

This primacy is not supremacy, but deference… And reflects a kind of ‘natural order’ of our love for one another, and the value of the acquisition of the virtue of love across time…

Primacy in an honorific…

Turning Primacy into Supremacy destroys the very Primacy it would seem to affirm…

And in fact this is what has happened…

Because Ecclesiological schism was its fruit…
Pope Paul IV ordered him extradited to Rome where on August 22, 1556 he was executed by being boiled alive in oil.
In his capacity as a ruler of secular state, not as head of the Church.
Do you think this might be a distinction without a difference?

The Orthodox had a Patriarch who was NEVER Head of State (Emperor)

But oh do we pray for them!
The Orthodox do not reject Original Sin, nor that death descends from it.
Death will be the last enemy of man that God will destroy…

And indeed, in Christ, and only in Him, is already destroyed…

Is the Eastern Orthodox Church correct?

What a silly question!

🙂 🙂 🙂 .

Matt. 16:16-18
Thus ends our dialogue… 😞

As the Authority and the Protester of Authority deny each other’s position, while each championing their own validity.

May the Merciful Lord Jesus illumine us with His Divine Wisdom to discern Himself (Who-is-Truth) in charity.
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