Thoughts cannot be interpreted by an examination of neural impulses nor is there any reason to believe **all **
The truth bears repetition even if you find it unpalatable. How about refuting each proposition one by one?
Now how about an actual example of a decision or a thought which happened outside and independently of the brain?
It is impossible for us to locate a particular thought or decision. All we know is that they are usually associated with brain activity. It doesn’t follow that **all **mental activity is located inside the skull. Intuition, inspiration and introspection presuppose knowledge which is not obtained via the senses. A mechanistic explanation of the mind doesn’t account for the originality, creativity, spontaneity and plasticity of human thought. Physical causes do not account for all our behaviour by any stretch of the imagination. Don’t you have a private, interior life of your own? Could it be analysed by an EEG machine? Do you treat your family as if they cannot think for themselves? In fact the **self **doesn’t exist in your scheme of things. We are just mindless bodies which happen to respond to stimuli without any power of
self-control! Don’t you ever make an effort to do things you don’t like? Could you choose to kill yourself if you decided it was the best thing to do? Or is it completely out of the question because you are dominated by the survival instinct? Is there such a thing as willpower?
And then show us the mechanism by which this “ultra-natural” agency operated, and how did it interact with the physical brain?
“mechanism” is the key word.Your question is based on the unjustified assumption that the mind is no more than a biological machine. What is the evidence for this hypothesis? Do you regard your family as higher animals incapable of controlling themselves?
You keep using the expression: “our thoughts are produced by neural impulses”. They are not “produced”, they “are”. The thoughts ARE the neural impulses and the neural impulses ARE the thoughts.
If they are identical the mind doesn’t exist. There is no need to distinguish two aspects of reality. Why do you use that term if it is superfluous? Why has humanity always distinguished mind and matter? Do you regard your family as mindless bodies programmed by their genes and environment?
As for being “free” what to think, I offer you the following experiment. Close your eyes, and for 30 seconds TRY NOT to think about a zebra… Start now… Now you spent 30 seconds in futile effort and were unable to think anything BUT a zebra, draw your conclusion.
The fact that we can think of many different things
as well as a zebra within 30 seconds demonstrates that we can control our thoughts. If we thought of nothing but a zebra your hypothesis would be correct but that is not the case. In fact I can choose to hypnotise myself so that go into a trance and stop thinking all together, go off to sleep or imagine I’m floating on a cloud above the world in a blue sky where I cannot see what is happening down below.
Now an experiment for you. Ask yourself whether you think there is only one possible answer to the question “Is there life on another planet?” Are you compelled to answer “Yes” or No" or “I don’t know”? Or can you choose to ignore the question? If not why not?