For, since such like animals are more like man in body, they afford greater pleasure as food, and greater nourishment to the human body, so that from their consumption there results a greater surplus available for seminal matter, which when abundant becomes a great incentive to lust. Hence the Church has bidden those who fast to abstain especially from these foods.
Eh? I’ve never heard that one before. Learn something new every day…
Obviously the Angelic Doctor was using a late-medieval scientific concept. I mean this in all earnestness. Mocking the wisdom of the past, even where it leaves something to be desired, or sounds strange to our modern ears, is simply not something I do. So don’t take it that way.
I have special dietary needs (protein) and have to be creative during periods of fast and abstinence. I use soy-based meat analogues (sausage, chicken, etc.) and I can tell you that, while satisfying enough, they are not like eating “real meat”. You acquire a taste for them. There are also cheeses and legumes to provide protein.
I’d like to try that Impossible Burger.