Also, take a look at this videoDeath is the separation of the soul from the body. When the soul ‘unplugs’ from the brain, mental events cease to correspond to physical processes. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t correspond before.
Uncertainty means the outcome is up to chance. It might seem confining if I say that what you do is up to chance, but you are the chance. The dice that are rolled are atoms in your own brain - they are your choice.
Can you ask for more? What if you could dictate how the dice would come up? How would you choose what to dictate? This route leads to an infinite regress.
There is supernatural grace, and I’m sure it plays no small role in Christian life. But even in the realm of the supernatural, there is chance.
Why did Lucifer choose to defy God, when he was created capable of loving God? Chance. That’s just what happened.
If anyone can improve on this analysis of free will, please do. Maybe free will isn’t chance, but then I don’t see what it is.
And yes, it is still necessary for humans to write algorithms, or algorithms that write algorithms. But eventually there will be algorithms that write algorithms that write algorithms that write algorithms, and the circle will close. At that point, discussions like this may be too late to do much.