“Social justice” has become a leftist code word for socialism and wealth re-distribution. In many cases, it has virtually nothing to do with Christ - either in the Church or outside! It is decidedly secular. The Church has been sucked into this much the same as the Latin American Church got sucked into “Liberation Theology”
Of course, parts of each are true, but in crucial areas they are not consistent with Church teaching. Social justice has come to mean allowing unlimited immigration, and making the illegal immigrant into a martyr. DW came here the hard way from El Salvador. Remember that? Death squads, Archbishop Romero assassinated? Yeah, that one. She had to cross every t and dot every i, pay fees, wait, have medical tests, wait, be interviewed, wait and wait - all the while war was heating up and shots were being fired.
There was no refugee status for her. 'Splain that one to me Lucy!
You want to do actual, life-saving good combined with the Gospel being preached? Contribute to the various Catholic African charities. The greatest region of Church growth is Africa! They are dying from simple infections, starving, being hunted down and killed. Do right, do good and help them.
Now, helping them is true social justice. Heck, it is justice period.