many people say that the trinity is contradictory. I guess the argument goes that three DIFFERENT things can not be the one and the SAME thing in terms of identity, since different means (not the same), and the same means (not different). Can the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be three different persons,(all different in identity), and simoultaneously the same God, (Same in identity)? Interested to see your views on the problem.
Trinity a contradiction? Only when one is viewing the Trinity of persons as God’s essence, which is unapproachable by human standards.
The Trinity gives name to the persons who reveal the presence of God not His essence.
God is Tri -person in revelation never divided eternally One God. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are distinct in revelation and procession that gives name singular to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each distinct in person from one another that reveals God revealing Himself from the eternal procession made known in time and space (creation) via the persons of the Trinity, not God’s essence which does not come down to us in space and time, yet the presence of God is made known in the persons of the Trinity = One God.
Scripture reveals the Father’s presence (not essence) in the voice. Scripture reveals the Son in the Word, scripture reveals the Holy Spirit in the breath of God who gives life. These are all distinct in person revealing God’s presence, when the Trinity of persons are never divided, but are distinct in revelation, all being consubstantial One God.
God the Father the voice, God the Son the Word, God the Holy Spirit the breath reveals the procession of God in Trinity. All three are distinct from one another in person because each one is God, yet the Voice (Father), the Word (Son) and the breath (Holy Spirit) distinct as they are in revelation, they are never divided One God.
What makes the Father greater than the Son is revealed in the procession of persons. First the Father who sends His Word, and the Word is One with the Voice, because the Son is not Father because the Son does not beget another, and the breath proceeds from both distinctly, when the breath proceeds from the Voice and the Word who makes them known. Only God receives testimony from God, not from men.
When the Word is never divided from the Voice or the breath, The Trinity is One, because all three proceed distinctly, the Father sends and begets a Son, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, yet in the procession each person never ceases to be God. The Trinity reveals the procession of person’s who reveals God’s presence.
Does the Voice, the Word, the Breath of God reveal the Trinity? NO not even close.
It only reaches into the mystery of the Trinity from what God has revealed and made His presence known in the Voice, the Word and Breath of God. God has created man in His image and likeness.
When man speaks his voice, the man images the Trinity of persons. When the man’s voice, word and breath are distinct from man’s nature, yet all three are the same person revealing what the man sends to make known in his voice, word and breath that proceeds from him.
In conclusion; The Father proceeds from no one, He is greater than the Son, because the Son comes from the Father who sends Him and life the breath of God proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
You guys have posted some great insights into the mystery of the blessed Trinity, thank you
Peace be with you