Is the UN Taking Credit for US Aid?

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This entry from The Diplomad, a blog run by career US Foreign Service officers. is disturbing…

Check out this interview (on the UN’s official website) with SecGen Annan and Under SecGen Egeland shows,

Mr. Egeland: Our main problems now are in northern Sumatra and Aceh. <…> In Aceh, today 50 trucks of relief supplies are arriving. <…> Tomorrow, we will have eight full airplanes arriving. I discussed today with Washington whether we can draw on some assets on their side, after consultations with the Indonesian Government, to set up what we call an “air-freight handling centre” in Aceh.

Tomorrow, we will have to set up a camp for relief workers – 90 of them – which is fully self-contained, with kitchen, food, lodging, everything, because they have nowhere to stay and we don’t want them to be an additional burden on the people there.

I provided this to some USAID colleagues working in Indonesia and their heads nearly exploded. The first paragraph is quite simply a lie. The UN is taking credit for things that hard-working, street savvy USAID folks have done. It was USAID working with their amazing network of local contacts who scrounged up trucks, drivers, and fuel; organized the convoy and sent it off to deliver critical supplies. A UN “air-freight handling centre” in Aceh? Bull! It’s the Aussies and the Yanks who are running the air ops into Aceh. We have people working and sleeping on the tarmac in Aceh, surrounded by bugs, mud, stench and death, who every day bring in the US and Aussie C-130s and the US choppers; unload, load, send them off. We have no fancy aid workers’ retreat — notice the priorities of the UN? People are dying and what’s the first thing the UN wants to do? Set up “a camp for relief workers” one that would be “fully self-contained, with kitchen, food, lodging, everything.”

Are these leaders of the U.N. describing “we” when they mean U.S. Agency for International Development and Australian military actions?

If this is the case, one can expect UN-friendly voices in the mainstream media to ignore it. The blogs will not be so - pardon the pun in these grim circumstances - charitable.
Set up “a camp for relief workers” one that would be “fully self-contained, with kitchen, food, lodging, everything.”
They don’t have the benefit of MREs!!! They’re nutritious, delicious too!!! 😃
Dear friends

I have to say wake up to all you americans!!! My small country of the Uk by public money has donated 60 million as of today which will increase overnight and our government 50 million!!! The UK is the single and largest contributor to date in the United Nations including you guys and we are so small and insignificant…:rotfl:

Not that this is a competition but you guys are so insular that I sometimes wonder if you know there is a world outside of your own country and that you are not the guys with all the money!!! nor the arms, nor the will power…!!! bigger is not always better…

Just think by yourselves, you would be such a lonely planet!!

God bless you and much love and peace to you
Dear friends

I have to say wake up to all you americans!!! My small country of the Uk by public money has donated 60 million as of today
Good for you! But we have stepped up to the plate too.

You do know we are donating $350 million plus another $250 million of US funds through the World Back and we have sent the US Navy whose helecoptors and hospital ships are worth their weight in gold to the sufferers right now… Plus at least 40million of private funds.

But it doesn’t matter, what matters is the world has pledged 2 billion to those who are so much in need.

We all need to give more.
Not that this is a competition but you guys are so insular that I sometimes wonder if you know there is a world outside of your own country and that you are not the guys with all the money!!! nor the arms, nor the will power…!!! bigger is not always better…
Ah, I feel so good after my daily dose of revisionist history. :rolleyes:
“Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth.” (1 John 3:18).

I can’t believe the immaturity of some people. This is getting really silly. Can we stop competing over who spent more or did more and just DO SOMETHING!! We all need to help, all countries, all people. It doesn’t matter who spends more. What does matter is that the people that need the help get it. Lets stop praising ourselves and judging others and get back to what’s really important right now.
anjel13 said:

I can’t believe the immaturity of some people. This is getting really silly. Can we stop competing over who spent more or did more and just DO SOMETHING!! We all need to help, all countries, all people. It doesn’t matter who spends more. What does matter is that the people that need the help get it. Lets stop praising ourselves and judging others and get back to what’s really important right now.

:amen: for this and the whole world is awake and giving
money, supplies etc.

anjel13 said:

I can’t believe the immaturity of some people. This is getting really silly. Can we stop competing over who spent more or did more and just DO SOMETHING!! We all need to help, all countries, all people. It doesn’t matter who spends more. What does matter is that the people that need the help get it. Lets stop praising ourselves and judging others and get back to what’s really important right now.

Let’s stop raising strawmen to knock down: aid is ongoing and has been since the event happened. Every nation (excepting France) that I know of has raised their contributions and more than once; - that does not say however that the US should put up with the insults, envious glances or media reports against it - at least one of the nations in line for the massive dollars we are sending was very anti Amerian after 9/11 and two of them were actively persecuting and killing members of our church, killing our missionaries and burning our congregations. We are still giving.

So it really isn’t necesary to come here and exhort us against speaking out over the insults paid to us as if we are doing nothing.
Let’s stop raising strawmen to knock down: aid is ongoing and has been since the event happened. Every nation (excepting France) that I know of has raised their contributions and more than once; - that does not say however that the US should put up with the insults, envious glances or media reports against it - at least one of the nations in line for the massive dollars we are sending was very anti Amerian after 9/11 and two of them were actively persecuting and killing members of our church, killing our missionaries and burning our congregations. We are still giving.

So it really isn’t necesary to come here and exhort us against speaking out over the insults paid to us as if we are doing nothing.
I don’t know where you are coming from but you obviously took me the wrong way. My post was directed to the other poster on here who told “all of us Americans” to “wake up” I wasn’t ever putting anyone down for defending America. However, it is a little rediculous to take part in such meaningless competition over what country is helping more. Defending yourself or country is one thing, but turning it into a competition or putting yourself up on a high horse is another. This goes for all people from all countries, I’m not directing this to anyone specific. Be careful not to take everything so personally.

Talk no more so proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed - 1 Samuel 2:3
Dear friends

I have to say wake up to all you americans!!!

Just think by yourselves, you would be such a lonely planet!!
I’m beginning to think we are pretty much alone no matter what we do and who we do it for.

"…Columnist Charles Krauthammer blasted U.N. officials and other America-bashers Sunday morning for trying to paint the U.S.'s foreign aid contribution as “stingy” in the wake of the Asia tsunami disaster - especially since the facts prove exactly the opposite.
“We are six percent, or less, of the world’s population,” Krauthammer told his fellow “Fox News Sunday” panelists. “We give almost half [of the global foreign aid]. … We give 60 percent of all the food aid on the planet.”

And that’s not all: “We maintain a military infrastructure that keeps the peace in the world,” he noted. “We are the only people who do that.”

“It’s simply irresponsible to talk about the United States as anything other than the most generous nation in the world,” Krauthammer said…"
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