Is the United States the best country ever?

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I have heard a lot from politicians these days that the United States of America is the greatest country that ever was. I’m afraid that I would have to disagree with them. Any country that kills innocent children is automatically off my list (not to mention all the others problems we have). Of course that is just today. Was America the greatest country ever in the past? What about Vatican City? What about Christendom and the Middle Ages?
Yes I do not think that those assertions made by politicians are true.

Your thinking is I think on the right track.

Though one could suggest that it is* better t*han a number in the past…

And there is many many goods here that do not exist elsewhere etc.

Love for country yes-but I think that statement is not entirely true.
A country is only as good as it’s citizens and we (The U S A) have the greatest constitution. If the citizens, We the People, would demand the politicians in Washington DC to follow the constitution, we would be the greatest country on Earth.

However, what percentage of the population has never read the constitution?
How many of We the People don’t care about our constitution?

Here is a very good place to start
Puh-Leeeze. Read the Constitution?

When up to 38% of our grown citizens can’t locate the USA on a map of North America???

To the OP: While your point about abortion is well taken, every age and society has or had its evils. Presumably women in the Islamic State do not abort. And a certain Central European nation of the mid 1900s **beheaded **abortionists. But I don’t think you would find either society particularly admirable.

I love being American. I love my country. It is my government I have a problem with. So “best country ever”, well, I guess it depends on what you are asking what we are best at. I would argue that many Americans are quite patriotic, so we’re fairly good at that. But we’re a little less clear (and this is just an opinion) on drawing the line between patriotism and jingoism.
**I participated in a war that was perpetrated by the USA for no other reason than to satisfy the political agendas of two US Presidents of the Democratic Party.
That dirty little war ended up causing the deaths of millions of asians, not to mention the 58,000 US soldiers who died.

Now the USA has created a monstrous system of nuclear armed missile and bomber revenge that is supposedly necessary to keep us safe.
It is an insane creation that could easily be nullified and eliminated by the citizens of the USA, but these continue to believe the lies of ambitious politicians who insist that the ICBM/SSBN madness is needed for our continued existence.

So if you are asking me about which is the greatest country, I would have to say that, whichever one it is, it’s not the USA.
The Bill of Rights;
Straws that come in individual packets;
Everything has a ‘peanut butter’ flavor;
Ice cream not a dessert so much as a sprinkle delivery medium;
Pharmacies have whole aisles of antacids (possibly because of the previous two things);
So many varieties of coffee, because personal choice is more important than anything else (including good coffee);
The NYT is the perfect size for ease of reading but still big enough that one can judge tabloid readers;
Canada for a neighbor.
My god! how little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!
–Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Monroe, June 1785.
I am sure that if you asked this question about some other countries to one of their citizens they would reply that theirs is the “best” country".

This question is too subjective to have an accurate answer.
Is it the best country ever? Who knows. Still more want to come here than leave, so it cannot be that bad.
I came here to this country as a refugee and it has afforded me more opportunities than would have been available to me if I had stayed in my native land.

So you can say I am quite partial to the US in spite of its flaws.

People ain’t flocking to China, Mexico, Canada or Venezuela or Africa…
Why does the United States have such a major problem with illegal immigration? [Why do so many people want to come here?]

Please make a list of those countries that prohibit abortion.

The USA has dropped in rank of countries rated in freedom and in math skills.

A reading of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is in order. [Hint: check the Website for Hillsdale College; they have an on-line course on the subject.]

Also read the Federalist Papers.
It’s not the best it could be, but its better than any other. At least I’m not still griping because I made bad choices.
America has the best governmental blueprint ever created by man (the Constitution).

America has lot of positives, however, our positives also lead to many negatives when not rooted in Christian morals.

The founders knew that American would only prosper and thrive as long as it remained rooted in traditional Christian values.

However, we have stretched our separation of Church and State to a separation of Religion and States. We were founded as a non-denominational Christian nation, but now we are secular nation where pluralism is accepted.

Finally, America is very much based on the ancient Greek and Roman republics, plus the Magna Carta, so we are not too unique.

All great nations in the history of humanity have eventually fallen as the society’s wealth rotted away their values and foundations of their society. I fear American is destined to follow if we can’t regain our Christian identity.

God Bless
The United States was a great country from 1783-2009. Obama took office in 2009 and sent the nation plunging into liberalism that may be irreparable. I used to think that the United States was the greatest country on Earth until June 26th 2015. On that day, the Supreme Court forced all the states to accept same-sex marriage. This was the breaking point. I now prefer Russia over the United States. I admire Putin’s dedication to Christian values. I still hold hope that America can be fixed though. I have an American flag in my avatar to represent that hope. A Republican victory in the Presidential election would be a big step towards that hope. I sincerely hope that Bernie Sanders is not elected President. His election would cause me to cease all like for the United States because he is a socialist. Socialism goes against traditional American values. I think a Civil War may break out if Sanders were elected. I would support the new Confederate States of America in that war. The Confederacy probably would have been a great country if they won the first Civil War and gotten rid of racism. They would have respected Christian values.
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