People do not challenge the state, because largely they dont care, most of them are living in their own little worlds, and only concerned with that, as long as their comfortable little lives are not impacted too much, they could not care less.
But even when they are impacted, most americans wont do much about it, they may whine and cry a little bit at first, maybe write their senators to complain, maybe blog about it, etc, but in the end, they are most certainly not willing to take it a step further and risk their own freedom…this is the difference between modern people and patriots living in the US in the past…but its NO coincidence it has become this way either.
Do any of you actually think many people today would be willing to stage another Boston Tea party type event in retaliation to something our Govt did? LOL The ones who are willing, surprisingly most people side with Govt and view them as domestic terrorists??? There are recent examples of these types too. LOL
The US is quickly becoming a nation of extremely subservient, Govt ‘subjects’ who obey consistently, no matter what, but are too blind to recognize whats going on…in reality, I dont really think we should be celebrating July 4th anymore, the spirit of 1776 is long gone here now.