Is there a clash between philosophy and science?

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Whenever someone asks how they ought to do science, or what counts as science, or what is the best course for science, or if it’s right to do this kind of science, they are doing philosophy.

So, no.
It is not an accurate description of reality, since mathmatical equations are abstracted from reality once, twice, and more times.
Do you consider any part of physics to be an accurate description of reality? If quantum mechanics is not an accurate description of reality, how were physicists able to harness the colossal power of the atom and atomic energy? Could an armchair philosopher tell us how to build an atomic reactor providing electrical energy to thousands of people?
There can never be a conflict between a rock and itself as they are the same, no?
Same with science and philosophy… as the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.
Call science what you want, call philosophy what you want… but they can not be in conflict because they are the same thing… perhaps suffering from multiple identity disorder, yet, none-the-less-the-same.

and we’re walking, and we’re walking, and we’re walking… where’s that unsubscribe… oh, there it is, :takeoff:
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