Your posts are very informative! Thank you so much!
I am the type of person who has become more of a contemplative as I have gotten older. I can sit for hours in contemplation and the time will hardly seem to go by. Hours will go by and it will have seemed like I just sat down to pray.
On the other aspect, one of solitary life, I already live that type of life, one could say. I long for a life in solitude, but I understand as a lay person that it is looked upon as unhealthy, so I “have to keep up appearances” so to speak. I’d rather not, but I don’t want to seem anti-social. I go out as little as possible, though. I love to pray and to be totally absorbed in the Lord, but because of recent financial problems, and the stress of being a union steward at work, worry creeps in and causes all sorts of havoc in my prayer life. I try, I really do. And I try to talk to God all day even if it’s for a few seconds here and there at work or on the way to and from there. At home, it’s a bit better, but I still carry that worry with me. Before I became union steward, life at work was perfect with regards to being as stress-free as possible. I was much more prayerful, even though I still had my financial problems. I have considered leaving the steward position to someone else to get back on track in my prayer life, but unfortunately it is a large place where I work and there is only one other steward who, unfortunately, is quite ill at the moment and needs to go in for surgery any day now. I would be the only steward and if I left, no one would have ready availablity to a steward if a problem arose.
As far as training goes, I meant in my OP that one would have to go through rigorous testing and training, psychological especially, to see if one was indeed cut out for the eremitical life. I have longed for that type of life for a long while now, even though I didn’t realize what exactly it was called way back when I was in my 20’s. However, all that said, I understand that just becuase I think I would like it or need it, doesn’t mean that it is cut out for me. I would have to research it more fully and speak to many in my diocese. And of course, those obstacles I mentioned in my other post would have to be taken care of even before serious consideration. However, research into it while I resolve those issues seems to be the remedy for my longing at this point.
Thanks all for your responses. They have helped me immensely.
God Bless,