Is there any free will?

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Assume that an agent A is in specific situation S. Now assume that free will is real and the agent decides to do D. Now assume that there exists a parallel world in which an agent B comes to exactly same situation S. What do expect that B does? The answer is yes or no. If yes, how our “will” could be free? How we could do otherwise?
Assume that an agent A is in specific situation S. Now assume that free will is real and the agent decides to do D. Now assume that there exists a parallel world in which an agent B comes to exactly same situation S. What do expect that B does? The answer is yes or no. If yes, how our “will” could be free? How we could do otherwise?
What do expect that B does? The answer is yes or no.
Are you sure? It doesn’t look like a yes or no question to me.

Two people in the exact same circumstance could make two opposite choices. How? Because circumstances don’t determine our choices. We do. The real question is: how do we know our choices aren’t determined by circumstances?

Don’t you agree?
Are you sure? It doesn’t look like a yes or no question to me.

Two people in the exact same circumstance could make two opposite choices. How? Because circumstances don’t determine our choices. We do. The real question is: how do we know our choices aren’t determined by circumstances?

Don’t you agree?
And what makes the difference that two people in the exact same circumstances make different decisions?
And what makes the difference that two people in the exact same circumstances make different decisions?
The will itself is a cause that is free to produce either of two effects. The will itself, and nothing else, causes the difference between the two choices. Anyway that’s what Catholics believe, and I think it resolves the difficulty. What do you think?
Assume that an agent A is in specific situation S. Now assume that free will is real and the agent decides to do D. Now assume that there exists a parallel world in which an agent B comes to exactly same situation S. What do expect that B does? The answer is yes or no. If yes, how our “will” could be free? How we could do otherwise?
I’m happy that you brought this subject up…
You see, an acquaintance of mine, a lapsed
Christian, said that Free Will is the worst CURSE
that God has given man! He gave the example
that what prevents him from getting a gun and
killing people at random, now, this guy wouldn’t
hurt a fly, but he was baffled by the idea that there
are no barriers to “Free Will”!
Actually, Adam, the first man(and therefore Eve)
was the only one(s) who had Free Will! They were
told they could do ANYTHING they wanted, BUT
eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil!
Then satan comes on the scene to question Adam
(thru Eve) Did God really love them by giving them
Free Will? Isn’t He holding back something from them?
Of course we know what happened, they believed the
LIE of the devil and fell.
What does Mankind today have…Free Choice, either
to Accept God’s way of Freedom from the Sinful Nature
and then SERVE HIM or reject His Salvation and
go his own way, which eventually leads to destruction.
That’s why it says in the Bible(Philippians 3) “Many
live as enemies of the cross of Christ, Their end is
destruction, their god is their appetites, their glory is
in their shame, their mind is on earthly things, but our
citizenship is in heaven where we eagerly await a Savior
who will change this body of humiliation to be made in
conformity to His glorious body, by the exertion of the
power that He has, even to make subject all things to
Assume that an agent A is in specific situation S. Now assume that free will is real and the agent decides to do D. Now assume that there exists a parallel world in which an agent B comes to exactly same situation S. What do expect that B does? The answer is yes or no. If yes, how our “will” could be free? How we could do otherwise?
How about this. Why are you posting? Nothing is forcing you. You decided to post of your own free will. Case closed.

The will itself is a cause that is free to produce either of two effects. The will itself, and nothing else, causes the difference between the two choices. Anyway that’s what Catholics believe, and I think it resolves the difficulty. What do you think?
The main question is, what grant freedom to “will” if it is not the ignorance to how “will” does its job? Let me explain you what I mean by the above statement. Let assume that you are 100% sure about a decision when it comes to a situation after considering all circumstances. Your will is not free in this case as the circumstances dictate you to do so. You however do not know how you decided, in another word how you take care of different circumstances and gather the facts which are needed for decision making. In another word we have relative ignorance toward any decision before a decision is made depending on level of doubt hence we are free. Our “will” cannot be free if we know how it acts hence we have partial ignorance. Does that make sense?
I do know why, but I don’t know how. So the case is not closed.
What do you mean " how ? " If you mean, " how the soul is constructed in such a way that it knows, reasons, wills, remembers, and controls and governs all the body’s functions, " no one can answer because the soul is a non-material substance. And we cannot " see " or " touch " or " detect " the soul, it is a spirtual substance. Only God knows the " how " of the soul.

Yes, free will is for real, but much less so than many Christians and Jews believe. For example, both classical and operant conditioning in the real world severely limits free will. Also, I believe that Satan has most of us under a spell where we unwittingly give in to his ‘suggestions.’

LOVE! ❤️
What do you mean " how ? " If you mean, " how the soul is constructed in such a way that it knows, reasons, wills, remembers, and controls and governs all the body’s functions, " no one can answer because the soul is a non-material substance. And we cannot " see " or " touch " or " detect " the soul, it is a spirtual substance. Only God knows the " how " of the soul.
I don’t think that anything could know how “will” does the job since once you accept the fact that an entity is knowable then its duty is reduced to a functioning. This in fact is another approach against creationism, which states mind/soul, whatever you want to call it, cannot be created.
I don’t think that anything could know how “will” does the job since once you accept the fact that an entity is knowable then its duty is reduced to a functioning. This in fact is another approach against creationism, which states mind/soul, whatever you want to call it, cannot be created.
On the contrary, we know for certain that God created the spiritual form or soul of man. We know also, with absolute certainty that God created the universe, in time, out of nothing. He told us so, and so teaches the Catholic Church. So be it, so be it.

On the contrary, we know for certain that God created the spiritual form or soul of man. We know also, with absolute certainty that God created the universe, in time, out of nothing. He told us so, and so teaches the Catholic Church. So be it, so be it.

What I am saying is very simple and it based on two facts, first, once you know how a system works then its duty is reduced to functioning, second, if free will is real and we are not robots then one cannot know how it works hence mind cannot be created or if it could then we are robots.
On the contrary, we know for certain that God created the spiritual form or soul of man. We know also, with absolute certainty that God created the universe, in time, out of nothing. He told us so, and so teaches the Catholic Church. So be it, so be it.

We know none of these things for certain. YOU believe them to be true…YOU have faith that they are true. There is a gigantic difference Linus that many on this board repeatedly fail to acknowledge. If you and others were taught from childhood that the Earth was made of vanilla pudding and believed it, would that make it fact?

Your statement could be taken as a great defense for a lack of free will. Then again, voluntarily surrendering all to the teachings of an unseen, inaudible force may be a great act of free will.

Just not one that I happen to embrace.
What I am saying is very simple and it based on two facts, first, once you know how a system works then its duty is reduced to functioning, second, if free will is real and we are not robots then one cannot know how it works hence mind cannot be created or if it could then we are robots.
Disagree totally, where in the world do you get this stuff? Where are these ideas coming from.

We know none of these things for certain. YOU believe them to be true…YOU have faith that they are true. There is a gigantic difference Linus that many on this board repeatedly fail to acknowledge. If you and others were taught from childhood that the Earth was made of vanilla pudding and believed it, would that make it fact?

Your statement could be taken as a great defense for a lack of free will. Then again, voluntarily surrendering all to the teachings of an unseen, inaudible force may be a great act of free will.

Just not one that I happen to embrace.
Not true. At some point I come to realize that the Earth is not made of vanilla pudding, just as we learn that there is no Santa Claus and there is no Easter Bunny. You are making the false assumption that there is no intellectual basis to Faith. That is incorrect, although it may be true for some. You should know better than to make a gross generalization like that.

Same conclusion to your last statment. Your prejudices are no shared by all. We do not surrender our will blindly, at least no intelligent person does. Faith has its reasons and they are good ones.

What I am saying is very simple and it based on two facts, first, once you know how a system works then its duty is reduced to functioning, second, if free will is real and we are not robots then one cannot know how it works hence mind cannot be created or if it could then we are robots.
No it don’t work that way. To begin with a robot is programed to do something.

For instance go 3 feet and then turn. That’s how to get to your destination lets say.

Human mind comprehends the same message, go 3 feet and then turn. The human mind can know the correct directions also but can decide to not go 3 feet and turn. It can turn and then go 3 feet, It can not turn at all. It can refuse to go anywhere. That’s free will.

The robot has no free will it does exactly what it was told to do.

Moral of the story the robot has no free will to disobey, human can.
Even if you know something is right, you can refuse to do so. right or wrong robot does what its programed to do.
We know none of these things for certain. YOU believe them to be true…YOU have faith that they are true. There is a gigantic difference Linus that many on this board repeatedly fail to acknowledge. If you and others were taught from childhood that the Earth was made of vanilla pudding and believed it, would that make it fact?

Your statement could be taken as a great defense for a lack of free will. Then again, voluntarily surrendering all to the teachings of an unseen, inaudible force may be a great act of free will.

Just not one that I happen to embrace.
Again no. If you were told the world was made of pudding and you saw with your own eyes this is not true, you would not accept that.

Let me put it to you this way. Fast and simple.

Can’t remember the person who said this but here it I.

The Truth is the truth rather or not anyone chooses to believe it or not.
And a Lie is still a lie even if everyone chooses to believe it.

Someone can say there is No God, they have free will to reject his teachings, even his existence.

But even if they use free will to reject him and his teachings do not make his truth any more true or false.

Truth is truth. God exists, even if people refuse to accept it.

You can tell me all you want that the only reason I believe is because I was taught that. But you will be proved unfortunately by thousands who were also taught that, but as they got older refused to believe it wrong.

Someone who is taught and keeps the faith is using the grace given to them by God to continue their life journey with him.

Someone who was taught, baptized in the faith and refuses to continue their life journey with him, and choose to reject his existence and teachings refuse the grace given to them and follow themselves. That is free will.
No it don’t work that way. To begin with a robot is programed to do something.
We are programed as well. Could you compare complex duty that an adult does with what a kid does?

I have to add that a pure robot (absolutely dead) works based on pure syntax where as a pure being (absolutely alive) works based on pure semantic. We are somewhere between.
For instance go 3 feet and then turn. That’s how to get to your destination lets say.

Human mind comprehends the same message, go 3 feet and then turn. The human mind can know the correct directions also but can decide to not go 3 feet and turn. It can turn and then go 3 feet, It can not turn at all. It can refuse to go anywhere. That’s free will.
Could you please tell me “how” we could change our mind?
The robot has no free will it does exactly what it was told to do.
A pure robot doesn’t have. We don’t have pure free will either since we live somewhere between pure life and pure death.
Moral of the story the robot has no free will to disobey, human can.
Even if you know something is right, you can refuse to do so. right or wrong robot does what its programed to do.
Again could you please explain “how” we could reject to do something good or do something which bad? I am looking to know “how” rather than “why” since there is no “why” in this case.
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