Assume that an agent A is in specific situation S. Now assume that free will is real and the agent decides to do D. Now assume that there exists a parallel world in which an agent B comes to exactly same situation S. What do expect that B does? The answer is yes or no. If yes, how our “will” could be free? How we could do otherwise?
I’m happy that you brought this subject up…
You see, an acquaintance of mine, a lapsed
Christian, said that Free Will is the worst CURSE
that God has given man! He gave the example
that what prevents him from getting a gun and
killing people at random, now, this guy wouldn’t
hurt a fly, but he was baffled by the idea that there
are no barriers to “Free Will”!
Actually, Adam, the first man(and therefore Eve)
was the only one(s) who had Free Will! They were
told they could do ANYTHING they wanted, BUT
eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil!
Then satan comes on the scene to question Adam
(thru Eve) Did God really love them by giving them
Free Will? Isn’t He holding back something from them?
Of course we know what happened, they believed the
LIE of the devil and fell.
What does Mankind today have…Free Choice, either
to Accept God’s way of Freedom from the Sinful Nature
and then SERVE HIM or reject His Salvation and
go his own way, which eventually leads to destruction.
That’s why it says in the Bible(Philippians 3) “Many
live as enemies of the cross of Christ, Their end is
destruction, their god is their appetites, their glory is
in their shame, their mind is on earthly things, but our
citizenship is in heaven where we eagerly await a Savior
who will change this body of humiliation to be made in
conformity to His glorious body, by the exertion of the
power that He has, even to make subject all things to