All said through faith, which I respect greatly, so long as it does not claim to become FACT. Before anything can become a truth, it must be underpinned with either faith or fact. If this is not the case then anyone can set themselves up as master and judge.Again no. If you were told the world was made of pudding and you saw with your own eyes this is not true, you would not accept that.
Let me put it to you this way. Fast and simple.
Can’t remember the person who said this but here it I.
The Truth is the truth rather or not anyone chooses to believe it or not.
And a Lie is still a lie even if everyone chooses to believe it.
Someone can say there is No God, they have free will to reject his teachings, even his existence.
But even if they use free will to reject him and his teachings do not make his truth any more true or false.
Truth is truth. God exists, even if people refuse to accept it.
You can tell me all you want that the only reason I believe is because I was taught that. But you will be proved unfortunately by thousands who were also taught that, but as they got older refused to believe it wrong.
Someone who is taught and keeps the faith is using the grace given to them by God to continue their life journey with him.
Someone who was taught, baptized in the faith and refuses to continue their life journey with him, and choose to reject his existence and teachings refuse the grace given to them and follow themselves. That is free will.
If underpinned by faith, then that truth is valid only for those who share that faith. If by fact, it is applicable to all…whether they like it or not.
Here, all our beliefs are underpinned by faith since we are speaking of the creator.