Is there any mind?

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What I am arguing is that something that does not have a location cannot have an outside. That is incoherent.

Your battle is with the unknown and the Mystery of Life.

Consider electricity.

Can you go into any place in the world were electricity does not have some sort of expression?


Even if we find ourselves in the most remote and backwards (in term of tech development) place in the world… electricity resides in every single one of us… yet, electricity is not sentient.

We have learned to control it and manipulate it… we have even become dependent upon it… but electricity is but a tool; a resource at our disposal.

Another mystery… why does science say that our bodies are composed mostly of water? We appear solid enough; even our individual organs (parts) appear solid enough:
According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%. (
So it is incomprehensible that, as solid as our bodies seem to us, our bodies are mostly made up of water (well water, and chemistry, and minerals, and electricity).

Here’s one more of those ‘say, what?’ 🤯🤯🤯

Space… it’s all around us… it’s all about us… it’s all in us:
Your body is mostly empty space. A rock, a tree, a table, all these things are mostly empty space. These objects act as if they were solid all the way through. But a series of extraordinary experiments have shown that this is just an illusion. (
So our mind is just another one of those Mysteries of Life that we’ve just to fully comprehend.

Every time I reply to any of the threads to which I subscribe I tend to be spontaneous… as I reply to you, thoughts take place; as I set one particular thought on text, a secondary one takes place… its all an orchestrated system of thoughts… very singular to this particular theme–but at the same time there’s that internal unity of form which attaches Mystery to Life–emphasizing God, in my mind, as I seek to help you view the same thing that my mind Sees.

You, my friend, are unique not because of an accumulated number of external experiences (stimuli), but because of the inherent Power of your mind.

Maran atha!

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Hi, Clare!

…well, not computers since AI is still futuristic, programmers.

Maran atha!

Hi, Juan!

…are you talking virtual reality?.. I think that they made a movie about it once, Tron?

Maran atha!

Reasoning to the best of our knowledge happens in the brain.
Yet, what you are describing is an organic construction–how does gray matter translates impulses into thought and intelligent thought at that?

Maran atha!

We for sure know that experience exists. We are however not sure that mind, experiencer, exists. All we can say is that there is experience of self. The experience of self however could be generated by specific part of our brain. It could be matter which has capacity to produce different sort of experiences. So, how could we prove that mind exist?
Memory intellect and will are the 3 properties of the soul. Since the soul is immortal from it’s creation, those properties are immortal as well.

Here’s a homily given by Fr Joseph Mary Wolf, at an EWTN mass about a NDE a priest had. When Fr Jose died, His soul left his body, and a whole new supernatural reality began with his soul.

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For those who doubt that animals can think and feel please see:
Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel
by Carl Safina and

Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?
Frans de Waal
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Experience , such as solidity, liquidity, etc. could give rise from matter under specific condition. What are your next steps by the way?
Second step:

Through reasoning we can conclude that incredibly small particles exist. They were called atoms in the ancient times, and we still use that word to name them, though it has lost its original meaning. There are some dozens of types of these particles and they have been classified in the Periodic Table. These particles are basic components of all the bodies that surround us in our planet. That is an indication to us that there are attractions or affinities between those particles.

And besides those particles there is something more: light and thermal energy are something that can travel through vacuum. That is the way in which we receive light and thermal energy from the sun. These objects excite atomic particles and promote a series of interactions between them, modifying their affinities. The degrees of affinities and the effects of energy over particles is what we use to explain the states of aggregation of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and how big bodies are formed. This is the occasion for another meaning of the word “mass”: it is a measure of the amount of elemental particles that a body has.

There are some interactions that have been known observing how big bodies behave. One of them is what we call gravitational attraction (and this is a universal phenomenon). Another is electrical attraction, or repulsion; and a third one is magnetic attraction or repulsion. Bodies displaying these kinds of phenomena seem to modify the space around them, in such a way that something we call “a field” is originated. A field is not energy, nor a set of small particles that could be emitted by the bodies. It’s existence become apparent to us when another body featuring similar characteristics comes close to the first. Then attraction or repulsion between them becomes manifest.

Other interactions happen only at the atomic level when, for instance, some atoms of one kind become strongly attached to others of different kinds. We call those interactions “chemical reactions”, and through them small aggregates with new interaction modes are formed. We call those aggregates “molecules”.

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Atoms and molecules of the same type can also attract each other and give rise to structures we call “crystals”, which also display new modes of interaction.

In our epoch it is a common practice to say that we know a given body when we can say which “properties” it has and when we are able to describe them. For example, we say that fluids have a property named “viscosity”, and it is the resistance they offer to deformation. It is a result of the affinity between particles. But it is not until the fluid is in motion when such resistance takes place. It is then when the body which is moving the fluid is affected by such resistance. So, I prefer to say that viscosity is an interaction mode of fluids. Heat capacity is another example: how much thermal energy is required to increase the temperature of a certain body one degree Celsius, for instance? That is its heat capacity, and it depends on the structure of the body, how strong its internal bonds are. This is comparable to viscosity in the sense that it becomes manifest when you try to change the temperature of the body, though it describes how the body will be transformed and not only how it will affect others during the interaction. Malleability, ductility, expandability and many other are of the same type.

But other properties, like “density” are really and directly a characteristic of a body, independently of any interaction with other bodies. It certainly can be modified through interactions with other bodies, but its definition does not involve them. However, these kind of “properties” are a relation we establish between other phenomena in the body or related to the body. This way, density is an arithmetic relation between the mass of the body (understood as the measure of the amount of particles it contains) and the body it occupies.

Now, ideas, concepts, notions, nor “experiences” do not have features of bodies, nor of interaction modes of bodies, nor of properties of bodies, nor do they interact with each other like bodies do.

So, this was the second step.
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My final word: ‘it’s mind over matter.’

Get it?

Gray matter does not make the mind!

Maran atha!

I don’t know how the post disappeared; I meant to add:
A fuller form, penned by Antoine Léonard Thomas, aptly captures Descartes’s intent: dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum (“I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am”). The concept is also sometimes known as the cogito.[2] (

I am because I seek not because I doubt, but that’s just me!

Maran atha!

So your intellect, your subjective frame of reference. (your mind), does not exist. Then who made this thread? Do you expect us to believe that bio-chemical reactions alone wrote this thread?
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I think it is better to say that “I think therefore I think”.
I think you are so helplessly married to materialism that if you had to you would deny your own existence.
Ideas, concepts, notion and experience has location. My thought is personal and is located at the place my body is. Causing a brain damage causes a specific malfunction, malfunction in reasoning for example. Where is the abstract mind to deal with malfunction? What is the duty of mind when it cannot reason without body?
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