Your 1st question you answered yourself when you said: “just of lesser importance” If I did not say, “infinitely insignificant with respect to eternal life” I meant to. I value this life for my children tremendously. It’s only with respect to eternity is it of infinately less insignificance. Which is not the same as saying insignificant. Reminds me of my calculus days when we studied limits.
If it reminds you of calculus, then remember: if the limit is zero… it is zero. In my understanding, if something is
infinitely insignificant in respect to something, then it is
totally insignificant in that relationship. True, it could be significant in another relation, but here this
other relation itself is insignificant, is it not?
Your 2nd question: The question of whether I would be willing to pay a price of eternal damnation to guarantee thier salvation is certtainly a question I am quite pleased God would never ask of me and I don’t have to ponder an answer.
It is just a hypothetical question. And if I recall correctly, God
did ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac… so you can never know! Of course I do not insist to get an answer, I just wondered what your answer might be.
It reminds me of the very unfair question one might ask a parant with two children. If a madman forced you to chose which one lived or which one died who would you chose. This is a question no parent should ever be asked.
I agree with this, but that is not what I asked. This analogy would be correct, if I asked: “if only one of your children could be saved, and the decision would rest on your shoulders, which one would you choose?”. That would be an intolerable dilemma.
I am also certain that you would never jeopardize the salvation of your children to assure your own, but again, that is not what I asked.
It is sheer curiosity on my part, and please feel free to disregard it, but I was interested, to what distance would you go to “assure” your children’s salvation as compared to yours.
Because that is the true measure of your commitment.
Atheist parents would (and did) sacrifice their own life to save their childen - which is the only life as far as they are concerned. They
are willing to pay the ultimate price. As I said, don’t answer, if you don’t want to. Just ponder it…