Is there anywhere i can watch dr. who?

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Yes, the rebooted series, starting with the 9th Doctor, is available on Crave TV. You have to subscribe, but it’ll probably be cheaper than buying all the episodes on iTunes. You can subscribe to Crave directly online (like Netflix) or through your cable provider. If you get it through cable, as part of an existing package, it’s like $6 a month and you can still access it online too.
It wasn’t taken off Netflix. The space-time continuum changed causing the show to never have been made.
I’m watching Dr Who right now on Netflix. New Zealand. Dinosaurs on a space-ship!?!
It wasn’t taken off Netflix. The space-time continuum changed causing the show to never have been made.
Which sums up succinctly why I don’t watch or respect time travel SF.

I suppose something like half the Star Trek: Yet Another Spinoff episodes didn’t happen . . .

They have most all the old ones on Britt Box and another one I saw, forgot which channel. I may start watching them. The new ones I watched most all of them.

When I was just a wee lad I watched the fourth doctor on PBS I think it might have been. It was far and away my favorite program. It came on a little before dinner time, which often had to take a back seat to the Daleks and the Doctor.
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Dinosaurs! On a Spaceship!

Really fun episode. Matt Smith really shines, and the actor who plays the baddie is of course destined to later on play the First Doctor himself. Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, as someone once said.
Mild spoilers to follow…

He went on to play William Hartnell in An Adventure in Space and Time which was a docudrama about the start of Doctor Who and Hartnell’s pivotal contribution to it. Beautifully done. He then appeared in Who proper in the most recently aired episode, Peter Capaldi’s swansong, Twice upon a Time, as the first Doctor.

I very much enjoyed his William Hartnell.

Twice upon a Time, like much of Capaldi’s tenure as the Doctor, was a huge missed opportunity, imo.
If you’re a Prime or Prime Video member, Amazon has a channel you can subscribe to for all your British programming needs. Just go to “Help” and then “Prime Video” and “Prime Video Channels.”
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