We have plenty of evidence for stoning. It gave the Catholic Church our first saint. And what of before the Sanhedrin?
In all due respect Rabbi, if this verse was obscure to you, or you were not aware of the implication of the “keys” I question your intent, not that of the Church.Looking through Isaiah 22:22 gave me some insight: “And I will give the key of the House of David on his shoulder, and he shall open and no one shall close; and he shall close and no one shall open.”
I think so…the priest does not say, “God forgives you”, or “Jesus forgives you”, but “I forgive (absolve) you”.Catholic priests absolve us of our sins little differently than the Levitical priests of Old did. Go to the priest as God instructs and you will be forgiven.
No, but the Tanakh does teach that the priest offers the sacrifice of atonement to God, and that God through his grace accepts this as the atonement for sin. In that light, the priest does not forgive, but announces to his people the promise that God has forgiven the sinner. The priest does not forgive sins per se, God does this, but the priest declares forgiveness of sins based on God’s covenant promise to do so. This is precisely what we see in the Book of Hebrews where Christ is both the high priest, and the sacrifice, and the one making intercession to God for the sinner.Is there anywhere in Tanakh which gives Priests’ right to forgive sin? As a Jew, I believe we should go to G-d alone, but I’m willing to see sources. Thank you.
I think we can agree that G-d does not get anxious about things. Having said that, of course no one could care more than G-d does. All who believe in G-d have to agree on this! (Honestly, if we believe that it matters whether the Holy Name is spelled out or voiced or not, we do believe that seemingly small things matter, correct?)We can all agree here that g-d could care less, as long as we lead good lives, we’ll all attain His blessing.