Is there sex in heaven?

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Is there sex in heaven?

Only if there is marriage in the Catholic church first, and only with natural family planning, and with full intent to enter into the Marital Embrace each and every single time being completely open to the possiblility of conception. The marriage must, of course, be recognized by the Church; if any marriage has occurred before this marriage, then it must be nullified first.

There must be no lustful thought during the act of sex. Both participants must be thinking only of God and children. Oh, and sexual intercourse only - none of that other funny business.

Sex is a physical act so I really dont see how we could be having a physical act with our spiritual bodies…Just doesnt make much sense to me. Also the primary purpose of sex is to procreate and I don’t see that happening in Heaven. I think its difficult sometimes to separate the physical world (since its all weve ever known) from the spiritual world which we know barely anything about.
The joy and pleasure of Heaven will be so far and above the pleasure of sex that we will have no desire for it. We have sex partly because it’s as close to Heaven as we can get in this world. It will be unecessary for many reasons once we get there.
Sex is a physical act so I really dont see how we could be having a physical act with our spiritual bodies…Just doesnt make much sense to me. Also the primary purpose of sex is to procreate and I don’t see that happening in Heaven. I think its difficult sometimes to separate the physical world (since its all weve ever known) from the spiritual world which we know barely anything about.
What about after the Resurrection? 🤷 😉

Actually, I’m with Duskyjewel - we will be much too busy with more glorious things than sex, once we get to Heaven. 🙂
This is just like the scott hahn thread…
Catholics with little or no qualifications saying catholics with tons of credentials don’t know what they are talking about.:rolleyes:
What about after the Resurrection? 🤷 😉

Actually, I’m with Duskyjewel - we will be much too busy with more glorious things than sex, once we get to Heaven. 🙂
The Resurrection is a whole different deal…This is just complete speculation on my part because none of us really know the answer. I think that people COULD have sex in Heaven once our bodies and souls become one at the Resurrection but, once we die, our marriage to our wife/husband isn’t valid any longer…“Til death do us part”…So for a sexual union to occur, we would have to be remarried in Heaven and that would just lead to further speculation so I wont go any further lol Like others have said, the Beauty of Heaven will far surpass the beauty of sex and I don’t think that thought would even cross our minds once were in the Presence of Almighty God!
It occurs to me that it makes good sense to read the article first before making comments. Current notions of human sexuality are not germane to Peter Kreeft’s philosophical musings. Personally, I liked what he had to say.
Sex is a prefigurment of the Blessed Trinity.

While in the presence of the actual Blessed Trinity, why would we turn to a symbol of Them instead?
I have pondered this and pondered this. However I have been lucky enough to experience in dreams both what separation from God is and what spiritual love from God is.

The separation so sucked. One of the worst dreams I had. The dream where I felt like I was with God was full of the most amazing love and peace that there are not human words on earth to describe it.

All my life I have had dreams about union with my real father. I never understood them until recently, that all my life I have been seeking union with God.

There was no sexual element in my dream with Christ. It was just pure and absolute love so I don’t think there is sex in heaven, but what there is I believe something that surpases that. True and absolute love and peace and union and a spiritual union that does not involve sex nor needs to.

It doesn’t mean I don’t feel like having sex on earth, but I can’t as I have to live a celibate life now, but what I think is happening is learning to let go of the physical and replacing that with the spiritual, which is simply another form of sexual union, but better. It is working towards the true sexual union, and that is of a spiritual nature and encompasses true love. That is what I believe sex in heaven is. The true love union, the spiritual sex, not the physical.

Very interesting take on it all. Maybe you are familiar with Peter Kreeft’s arguments. I really find them very well based and thought provoking and I agree with it.
Are you a Mormon? they say yes. But if you read the Bible you will find that this isn’t true.
Mt.22:30 "“At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven”
Mk.12:25 “When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage, they will be like angels in heaven.”

God bless,
The joy and pleasure of Heaven will be so far and above the pleasure of sex that we will have no desire for it. We have sex partly because it’s as close to Heaven as we can get in this world. It will be unecessary for many reasons once we get there.
Great response. 🙂
Sex in heaven would mean having children. Don’t ever think the ladies will be having babies for all eternity. think again!

I dont think its possible to not have a lustful thought while youre having sex…If there is, Ive been doing it wrong lol Maybe if youre thinking about somebody else or something…When its between you and your wife/husband, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it…If you believe otherwise, please show some document that backs up your claim please.
Please stay on topic, everyone. If someone makes an assertion that is related but not on topic and you wish to respond, please start a new thread or find an existing one in the appropriate fora. Thank you all.
Which post is** not** on-topic? I don’t want to make things worse by responding to a verboten post.

So if there is sex in heaven, would it be in private to keep others from having lustful thoughts?
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