Of course, it is I who is right about the movie. I know I’m right, because if I were ever wrong, I’d change my mind.
I don’t remember anything in the movie dropping hints that outside of Zion there might be another reality. It was pretty plain that the movie intended it to be the “real world” v. “the Matrix.” That doesn’t detract, however, from the theme that the “real world” is completely unknown and even unknowable by the vast majority of the population who live their entire lives in the illusion that is the Matrix. The illusion is so real to them they have no idea their sensory (name removed by moderator)uts and even their perceived motor functions are all manufactured and fed into their brains.
That said, there is nothing wrong with speculating beyond the duality of real world v “matrix” and I even think it’s an interesting discussion. However, I tend to side with jennstall in that there was no hint of that.
If you want a book that is fairly short (about 120 reasonable size pages) that does clearly hint at alternate realities, check out the story written over 100 years ago by Edwin Abbott, a mathematician and theologian, called “Flatland.” The difficulties and the misconceptions to overcome by a 3-dimensional being trying to explain “up” to a 2-dimensional being, clearly lead to speculation into higher dimensions. The book was instrumental in helping me understand the possibility of space being curved, as in Einstein, and in understanding the concept that there may be a being (such as God) compared to whom I am but a shadow in wisdom and complexity. It also has a lot of interesting commentary about different classes and intellects of people.
If you haven’t read “Flatland” you might really like it. It might even be useful for your class, and help open them up to realities beyond their perception, and how easy it might be to mistake a magician for a God.
The book is in public domain and is available, among other places, at project gutenberg. One version with pseudo-illustrations is at
Bookstores often carry several editions for less than 10 bucks, with forewards by different people. I like one by Isaac Asimov, but there are other good ones. The good thing about getting the book is that you get the pictures too – there aren’t a lot of pictures but it’s nice to have them.