
Let me offer a theory about this. I’ve read St. Theresa of Avila, she was a very intelligent woman with deep insight into the spiritual life.Pretty old. The tradition has been traced to Saint Teresa of Avila who prayed that Saint Joseph would intercede to obtain land for Christian converts, and encouraged her Discalced Carmelite nuns to bury Saint Joseph medals as a symbol of devotion, consecrating the ground in Joseph’s name. I do that and ask for only God’s will.
One thing is, in those days a statue was a very precious item. Remember, they didn’t have mass production and everything was made by hand. Therefore, offering up a statue was a much greater sacrifice, so it’s not at all comparable to burying a cheap statue in a superstitious manner in the backyard.
St. Theresa was a strong advocate of love, humility and detachment. I think offering up a precious item in faith and prayer could very well meet these requirements.