OK, I’ll weigh in.
There are portions of Scripture where God speaks as if our actions have eternal consequences: “choose life”, repent, forgive, etc etc.
There are also portions of Scripture where God is said to “test” as if he seeks to know something. In Gen 22 “God put Abraham to the test”(22:1) and after Abraham passed the test what does the “angel of the Lord” say? Does He say “I knew you’d do it all along!” No. He says " I know now how devoted you are to the God since you did not withhold from me…" (22:12) And goes on further to reiterate,“I swear…says the Lord that because you acted as you did…I will bless you.”
And so one has to wonder how we can reconcile an omniscient God with God apparently seeking to know something. One way of reconciling this apparent paradox is to suggest that the knowledge God seeks does not yet exist: it doesnt exist in time nor does it exist in eternity. It is an imperfect solution to be sure, but it is one attempt at reconciling the paradox.
One thing that is clear is clear that no one has confidently or definitively declared the OP “heretical” with anything but speculation.